Deciding “what to build next” is hard. Your voice is the most important element of our decision process. Don’t be shy – tell us what you want. But please look for the feature you want first, and if it’s already there, cast your vote. If not, start a new topic.
436 results found
I'd like to see "pomodoro technique" integrated with simpleology this will increase the productivity
pomodoro is also a simple technique, it's work by breaking the tasks into pomodoros each pomodoro is 25 min with break for 5 min after 4 pomodoros a break for 15 to 20 min and this would be a full pomodoro,
in start my day we have determine how many pomodoro each task is needed.
we need the pomodoro timer in the mobile apps and it should work in the background so if the sceen is lock it will still give us the reminder this should be enough but if you want to implement the full pomodoro technique that would…3 votes -
Show lists in daily targets on iphone app and wimiki
I love my new iphone app and uploaded my daily chores and shopping list to my daily targets, but when I went to go shopping, I found I couldn't access the lists on there, just the list heading.
Is there any way of expanding these on the app or wimiki or can we only access these via the web?
3 votesNew Simpleology mobile web version 1.0 released today!
Hi, not so much an idea, just a request for performance boost.
It seems to take inordinate amount of time to pull down small amounts of data. It would be nice to work with new interface with a snappier feel.
3 votes -
Android Task List Widget
Android phones have options for widgets, I currently use an astrid to-do list widget on my home screen and love it. All of my "to-dos" are right there, easily seen and accessible right from my home screen. I'd quickly replace it if Simpleology had a widget.
3 votesNew Simpleology mobile web version 1.0 released today!
Add "Deliberate with Reminder" button to the "Do, Deliberate, Dump" screen
I appreciate that we have the ability to send targets to the Mental Lockbox with a reminder using the context menu on every screen, but as this feature is a little bit hidden, wouldn't it be good to include an extra button on the "Do, Deliberate, Dump" screen that allows us to "Deliberate it, with reminder".
This would be a good way to ensure stuff doesn't get lost in the Lockbox forever and can avoid the need to keep checking the Lockbox to see if we've left anything in there we've forgotten about.
(For fun, I made a little button…
3 votes -
include sliders/numbers into daily targets, which help prioritize according to max impact vs min effort
Like the spreadsheet example given at 8:50 onwards in this video (, numbers or slider system can be incorporated into the daily targets itself, so that we don't have to switch back and forth from Excel.
So then we can put the values right there in simpleology, and get tasks prioritized then and there!3 votesHi Anirudh, you can already do this with the Prioritize module :-) Select that module next time you do Start My Day.
The daily targets on the new 4.0 dont seem to be working at all. Can this please be fixed? Or can i go back to 3.0?
The daily targets on the new 4.0 dont seem to be working at all. Can this please be fixed? Or can i go back to 3.0?
3 votes -
Ideas for improving v4
When you hover over an entry you can see any subtasks
Is there away of seeing rolled over recurring tasks in the daily tasks?
When you want to move items up and down the a list it used to be done by drag and drop now you need to labouriously do it by clicking the arrows. Drag and drop icon appears but does not seem to work.
Could this be a browser issue. Using Chrome and Windows 7 64bit3 votes -
Make decision step ask you if you really want to go on if you have not checked anything for daily targets.
I think this is a major glitch. Sometimes I am sorting out what to delete, and afterwards I click next without clicking anything for my daily targets. Afterwards (because I don't have the prioritize step) I can't go back, so I have to redo the whole start my day process, and am virtually skipping the important steps like money, and business, that I should be doing tomorrow. Also, with the icons in the decide step, I think daily targets should be the first item instead of hidden away in the middle. It is the icon most used in the step.
3 votesExcellent point. This is now a reality.
IPad drag and drop to sort daily target priorties
iPad drag and drop prioritization feature would be very nice. Arrows are a pain
3 votesWe just released some major improvements to the “Options Overlay” and drag-n-drop across the whole site.
You can now easily drag-n-drop your items by simply grabbing the row and dragging.
As for the “Options Overlay”, we’ve removed the whole “ON / OFF” toggle concept, reduced the space it consumes, improved the organization of the options/icons, and now allow you to simply click anywhere on the “Options Overlay” that isn’t an icon to remove that row’s overlay so that you can highlight/copy that row’s text, double click to edit, and/or access click-able links.
We also increased the size of the “Lists” and “Label” drop-downs, as well as alphabetized the order of the lists that appear.
All in all, these improvements should have a positive impact on your use of the system.
3 votes
We have just updated Simpleology so that you may now export both completed/uncompleted Daily Targets, Dream Catcher items, as well as system and custom Lists.
In scheduling, in addition to entering in Google, etc.
Allow "to do" items to be scheduled to a certain date within Simpleology so that when you return to Start My Day on that date, the item returns on that date.
3 votesThis is already possible with the “Do It Later” button.
Blackberry Playbook
I know you had previously stated that you wouldn't support Blackberry Playbook with Wimiki, but if it is available on Android, can you just port it into the Playbook (and even BB10) for use? So many business users still use Blackberry. I also know that App Developers that develop for BB, make more money. (Blackberry is a client of mine too).
Thanks for the consideration.
3 votesNew Simpleology mobile web version 1.0 released today!
Allow Users to Export the daily target list in order, after the items are rearranged
A User Can currently Rearrange the order of items in the daily target list.
But when that list is exported, they are not listed the way a user reorders them.I reordered my daily target list, and then exported it to a csv file.
But in the resulting file, the items did not appear in the new order that I put them in.So can you enable me to reorder the items in the daily targets list so that I can print them out in the order that I want?
3 votes -
Allow item List tags to be retained from previous days. Or if they already are, to be shown on the "Decide" page.
On the "Decide" page, I have some items that are new (from Dreamcatcher and brainstorm) and I have some other items that are carried over from the previous day and from reminders.For items I categorize as "Deliberate It" it gives me the option to add them to a list and/or to add reminders. I think that there are many of these that I add to the same list over and over again each day because it doesn't display what list they're from (if any).
I would like them to display what list they're from, or a blank field or 'none'…
3 votesThis bug has now been fixed; previously defined list locations for any given task will be remembered if you decide to deliberate.
Provide User defined Timezone for all time/date functions in Simpleology
Please add a time/date feature, adjustable to the time zone where I live to Simpleology, so my streak, my reminders, and everything is accurate to where I am. Currently it is the 4th of May here in Phuket, Thailand, and yet when I set a reminder it is still the 3rd of May. Also when my streak is recorded, it is not accurate to the timezone where I am here in Thailand. It would be awesome if there were a feature to change all the time/date functions of Simpleology to a user-defined timezone. Thank you.
Also it would be awesome…
3 votesDylan,
If you go to – – and set your timezone, the date/times should update to correctly reflect the date/time relative to you.
If you still have issues, please contact Customer Care – – and we’ll investigate further.
As for displaying the date/time along with other information about each of your targets is something that we’re considering along with several other usability improvements. We’ll see where it takes us.
CC -
Revise the dojo. Yellow belt stuck repeating lesson 1 (submitted ticket) but why has no-one else flagged this? 20 days too long...?
I know a habit takes 21 days to build - but the dreamcatcher, brainstorm and decide are not rocket science. I suggest that the first lesson is never repeated - but a less waffly (sorry) 'thorough' version produced for day 2-5, and maybe day 10. Then, I would use the most straightforward version, and incorporate Yellow belt training from day 10 or 15 latest. If these 'lessons' overlapped just a little, there would be less chance of people dropping out through boredom or impatience. OR - people could be allowed to jump ahead after half the lessons for each level...Just…
3 votesHi Moira, this should be addressed by what we’ve added as per this blog post – please let us know right away if that doesn’t solve it for you!
Edit subtasks or add a subtasks overlay?
When subtasks were first introduced we had the ability to edit them after they were placed under a target (I think via a right-click menu). Could we have that back? Or even better have an overlay on subtasks like we have on primary targets? I'd love the option to "complete", "delete", "edit", and/or "move" subtasks either to a list, the dreamcatcher, or into daily targets as it's own target.
3 votesDavid,
As for the options overlay for sub-tasks, we’re actually looking into this.
In the meantime:
To edit a sub-tasks, simply double click the text of the sub-task and an input field for you to make your changes will appear.
Once done, press ENTER on your keyboard to save the changes.
To cancel, simply click away from the edit field.
Add "Move to tomorrow" to the SMD area
I often have things that need doing tomorrow or at least sometime in the next 2 weeks and I have freedom on when I want to do them.
Therefore when doing the SMD process I would like to push something to tomorrow's SMD. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow or maybe tomorrow I'll push it out again but I like the idea of it coming back automatically to the SMD process.
At the moment I have to go in to the Do It Later list and manually move items to the SMD, I want that automatically.
3 votesRobert,
You can actually accomplish what you’re looking to do using the following process (explained in the White Belt training series):
1). Perform Start My Day as you normally would.
2). When on the “Decide” step (guided mode), select all of the items you want to “move to tomorrow”, then click the “Deliberate” option for the selected items.
- Items marked as “Deliberate” will end up in a new table with the heading “Items Marked as Deliberate”.
3). Of the items you’re deliberating, select where the item is to be moved to (default is “Do It Later”), as well as a reminder date.
- For any item with a reminder date set, it will (re-)appear when you perform Start My Day on or after the reminder date set.
1). Perform Start My Day as you normally would.
2). When on the “Decide” step (expert mode), select all of the items…
Option for Dream Catcher item to be put into current daily tasks
If I forget something on my brain dump and think of it later, I have to redo start my day to get it onto my daily task list for today. Then most of my daily tasks are an ugly gray because all of them have been through the process before and are daily tasks not done. This is very uninspiring to have everything gray, to say nothing of the time it wastes to have to do start my day again!
3 votesDelaine,
Check out Simpleology Engines – – which will allow you to quickly route items you add to the Dream Catcher or Start My Day simply by including “keywords” to trigger the action.
Many Users have “dt” set up to route anything that starts with “dt” directly to their Daily Targets when the item is added to the Dream Catcher or Start My Day.
You should check it out.
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