Revise the dojo. Yellow belt stuck repeating lesson 1 (submitted ticket) but why has no-one else flagged this? 20 days too long...?
I know a habit takes 21 days to build - but the dreamcatcher, brainstorm and decide are not rocket science. I suggest that the first lesson is never repeated - but a less waffly (sorry) 'thorough' version produced for day 2-5, and maybe day 10. Then, I would use the most straightforward version, and incorporate Yellow belt training from day 10 or 15 latest. If these 'lessons' overlapped just a little, there would be less chance of people dropping out through boredom or impatience. OR - people could be allowed to jump ahead after half the lessons for each level...Just a thought.

Hi Moira, this should be addressed by what we’ve added as per this blog post – please let us know right away if that doesn’t solve it for you!