Add "Move to tomorrow" to the SMD area
I often have things that need doing tomorrow or at least sometime in the next 2 weeks and I have freedom on when I want to do them.
Therefore when doing the SMD process I would like to push something to tomorrow's SMD. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow or maybe tomorrow I'll push it out again but I like the idea of it coming back automatically to the SMD process.
At the moment I have to go in to the Do It Later list and manually move items to the SMD, I want that automatically.

You can actually accomplish what you’re looking to do using the following process (explained in the White Belt training series):
1). Perform Start My Day as you normally would.
2). When on the “Decide” step (guided mode), select all of the items you want to “move to tomorrow”, then click the “Deliberate” option for the selected items.
- Items marked as “Deliberate” will end up in a new table with the heading “Items Marked as Deliberate”.
3). Of the items you’re deliberating, select where the item is to be moved to (default is “Do It Later”), as well as a reminder date.
- For any item with a reminder date set, it will (re-)appear when you perform Start My Day on or after the reminder date set.
1). Perform Start My Day as you normally would.
2). When on the “Decide” step (expert mode), select all of the items you want to “move to tomorrow”, then either click the “Lists” option, or the “Do It Later” option, for the selected items.
- Items marked as “Lists” will end up in a new table with the heading “Items Moved to a List”.
- Items marked as “Do It Later” will end up in a new table with the heading “Items Marked as Do It Later”.
3). Of the items you’re moving, select where the item is to be moved to (if you selected “Lists”), as well as a reminder date.
- For any item with a reminder date set, it will (re-)appear when you perform Start My Day on or after the reminder date set.
Following the above process should give you very close to what you’re looking for.
Robert Hemmerdinger commented
I completely disagree that this is the same.
However I'm OK for this to be closed as this idea is what I'm looking for: