I'd like to see "pomodoro technique" integrated with simpleology this will increase the productivity
pomodoro is also a simple technique, it's work by breaking the tasks into pomodoros each pomodoro is 25 min with break for 5 min after 4 pomodoros a break for 15 to 20 min and this would be a full pomodoro,
in start my day we have determine how many pomodoro each task is needed.
we need the pomodoro timer in the mobile apps and it should work in the background so if the sceen is lock it will still give us the reminder this should be enough but if you want to implement the full pomodoro technique that would be great.
mark you have created a brilliant method its only missing one thing
its our discipline.
thank you

Jonas - commented
Has pomodoro been implemented though? And where can I download Wimiki for Windows?
Tess Fisher commented
What is Wimiki and where do I find it in 5.0?