Provide User defined Timezone for all time/date functions in Simpleology
Please add a time/date feature, adjustable to the time zone where I live to Simpleology, so my streak, my reminders, and everything is accurate to where I am. Currently it is the 4th of May here in Phuket, Thailand, and yet when I set a reminder it is still the 3rd of May. Also when my streak is recorded, it is not accurate to the timezone where I am here in Thailand. It would be awesome if there were a feature to change all the time/date functions of Simpleology to a user-defined timezone. Thank you.
Also it would be awesome if we could see this time/date on-screen in Simpleology so that we know it is active and accurate, as well as providing a reminder to stay on track.

If you go to – – and set your timezone, the date/times should update to correctly reflect the date/time relative to you.
If you still have issues, please contact Customer Care – – and we’ll investigate further.
As for displaying the date/time along with other information about each of your targets is something that we’re considering along with several other usability improvements. We’ll see where it takes us.
CC -
Dylan Haddock commented
I just reset my Timezone on my profile, so it might be that this problem is solved. Not sure though, as the set-reminder-date function when changing a daily target over to a reminder still has the 3rd of May high-lighted. Hopefully this will be very clear soon. :)
Dylan Haddock commented
Also, it would be great to know what time zone Simpleology is currently set to so that I can figure out by what time I need to do "Start My Day" for it to be included in my streak. Thanks a million. I'm loving the new Simpleology and am using it everyday. Thanks for all your hard work.