Hi, not so much an idea, just a request for performance boost.
It seems to take inordinate amount of time to pull down small amounts of data. It would be nice to work with new interface with a snappier feel.

David Laszlo commented
I still experience this issue 7 years later. The problem is particularly terrible over slow internet connections, but the amount of data being transferred for example in ticking off a task must be minuscule, can't it speed up?
Hi Kerem, we plan to address this in the next release as well ... Since the upcoming release is a major one, it may be a few months before you see this.
But we are on it. It annoys us as well. We are on a constant quest for more speed.
Kerem Ispirli commented
Personally, I can live with navigation delays. But being interrupted by "save delay" during brain dump really bothers me.
For every item I enter, I have to wait for it to be saved before being able to start typing the next item. And if I forget that, first characters (even words!) of my next item are lost, forcing me out of "dump" process to remember what I have just written, correct the item, save and wait till I am allowed to type again.
Can't you make such inputs async without upgrading to a new release?