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709 results found

  1. Ability to Edit entries in Stuff I want - make corrections etc

    This is a suggestion for an improvement in lists, specifically "Stuff I Want".

    I would like to be able to edit list entries. Sometimes (often?) I want to reword what I want, or correct spelling, or simplify, or expand.
    Ideally I could edit inplace or via a menu entry - similar to calling up the backward planner.

    I realize that a work around is to make the list item a major focus and then edit the major focus and the "Stuff I Want" list item is updated as well. It's just awkward, and it means replacing my major focus…

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  2. 14 votes

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  3. Zapier Integration

    A number of the requested Integrations and automations could be accomplished if Simpleology created a Zapier connector and clients purchased or had a Zapier account. I realize this is not a trivial task but it would allow for those seeking integration or automation into other products to leverage Simpleology.

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  4. 14 votes

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  5. Recurring Reminders

    Would it be possible to set reminders to be recurring? I have a list with reminders set that once they have occurred I will need them again. The individual items are not a recurring tasks.

    It would be useful to be able to select to repeat every day/ every week / every month/ every year or to a custom selection like every 3rd Friday of the month.

    If this can be done it would also be very useful to apply this to the Recurring Tasks ;)

    Many thanks for considering......

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  6. Filter daily targets by multiple labels instead of just all or one.

    Often I find myself wanting to see my daily targets that are in multiple categories (labels), but still not ALL categories (the result of selecting "none" on the filter). I may even want to see all targets except for those in only one particular category. Could the label/filter feature be constructed in a way that would allow us to select multiple labels to show in our daily targets at one time?

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  7. Archived completed targets show date completed as well as date first entered into Dream Catcher

    When an item is marked as complete in the daily targets, and moved to an archived list of achieved targets, I'd love to see the date is was completed as well as the date it was first entered into Dream Catcher. That would help in analyzing when I've been more productive as well as when I'm more full of ideas.

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  8. 13 votes

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  9. multiple labels on tasks

    The tree model is an obsolete model, in my opinion. I would prefer to be able to asign no matter how many labels to a task, so I can retrieve it in several lists and reports (considering the Daily Targets a report from the DBMS point of view). This way, I would go further and be able to add several filters in the Daily Targets (I have seen this before, in the wish list, I think), this I would really appreciate! I would like to filter the information on the screen according to several criteria. From the GTD practice point…

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  10. Add keyboard shortcuts for everything.

    I use software all day for work, and being able to do everything without taking my hands off the keyboard speeds everything up. Using the mouse slows things down and adds complexity.

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  11. Outlook integration

    Can we please have integration with Outlook so that we can make use of the follow up and add task fields in Outlook.
    There are often occasions where an email will have a task associated with it - it would be great if to be able to simply click follow up in Outlook and it syncs with our Simpleology account rather than having to manually enter the task in Simpleology.

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  12. time line on tracker graphs to scale

    The current tracker graphs have the same amount of space between entries whether they were a few minutes apart or a few months apart. I'd find it more helpful as a tracker, tracking how I'm doing at doing X every day, if I could see the graph on an axis that was to scale.

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  13. to write a plan of our existing major targets in daily target praxes

    Many times i have to rewrite a target at majot focus just to put the plan. It would be much easier if we have this ability in daily target praxes as in major focus

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  14. Have training mode do your full start my day

    With how training mode is currently set up, if you are on a low belt it does not go through all of the steps of start my day. This requires me to first do start my day, and then go through the training start my day in order to advance my training level. There should be an option to have the training mode go through your full start my day so that it doesn't have to be repeated.

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  15. Add Date Completed

    It would be great to keep track of when I completed each task. Add a date feature to the free version for tasks completed.

    Thank you

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  16. Choosing a google calendar

    When entering a task into google calender, right now, it is not possible to choose a calendar.
    For example I have 5 different google calendars, besides the main one for my google account.

    The problem is, my main calendar i synced with calendars from my husband and some of my friends, but i don't want them to see all of my tasks and to dos.

    So it would be great, if we would be able to choose one of our google calendars, when entering something new.

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  17. Do bulk actions on deliberated items

    I would like to do bulk actions on deliberated items like put them into a list and add reminder dates.
    Why? Quite often, when I'm brainstorming or dream catching lots of items that need to be done on the same day and/or belongs to the same category comes up.
    And the next morning, it takes quite long to put every item into the same list or give it the same reminder. And doing it for each item individually, I'm also more likely to make and error.

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  18. Tracker: Would like to superimpose charts

    This is a very useful and cool tool. I'm hoping one of the enhancements you will be putting in is to be able to have one graph over the other so if, for examples, you are tracking sales by two different people or of two different products, you will be able to see if there is any correlation between the two.

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  19. Access to sub-tasks in simpleology mobile app.

    Its so frustrating (and distracting) to have to go back to my PC to access the sub-tasks involved in completing my daily targets.

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  20. The Simpleology Goal Buddy

    Let's just keep it real..Eventhough with a 'super' software in Simpleology, they are what they are, software. They are not real people. And they can be turned off, like your normal alarm clock. If there is some Social element in Simpleology, where you can link with a friend, who will then be activated as 'The Goal Buddy' who will kept pushing you to take action to achieve your goal. You will be more likely to achiev your goal, pushed by like-minded people.

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