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709 results found

  1. Put the Big Brain Button inside the Do Today's Training area with the rest of them.

    I like going into my training area, working through the dropdown, and hitting each training module. However, to get to the Big Brain Button, I need to access it outside of the Simpleology world.

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  2. In addition to a fully functional iOS option to use Simpleology; it needs to sync across devices

    Example of the problem when syncing isn't available: I tried to continue a training segment on my phone which I started online, but I can only start back at the beginning. If you are unable to have the program sync across devices, at least give users a way to skip forward to the last module they were working on! If that function is available somewhere make the option to do so easily visible please

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  3. Please make a fully functioning mobile app for iOS!!

    self explanatory. Most people use their phones to function in life and are not in front of their computer. This app is not so helpful without this ability. When I dowloaded it from the website it had only 3 functions!! Deal breaker for me, but I'd really like to adopt this system

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  4. New affiliate program idea

    Once we earn our black belt, we get a graphic emailed to us that we can put in our email signature with an imbedded affiliate link so we can share with the world (email exposure would far outnumber sharing on social media). Maybe the byline would be "I've earned by Simpleology Black Belt!". Curiosity could send them down the rabbit hole...Maybe a belt graphic for each level so people can see our progress?

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  5. Add an black belt icon to the menu bar to show you competed that level.

    When you earn your black belt, and then reset to white belt, there should be a tiny black belt in the menu bar that proves your accomplishment. People like to proof of their achivements.

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  6. Add a "Life Focus" tab to the Major Focus tabs

    I have currently hijacked the "Long Term Focus" tab to place my "Life Focus" - this is the life goal or Ultimate Vision / Purpose that I am always aiming towards. I will likely never delete it or mark it complete because it is a life-long effort and I will only ever get closer to it, never reach it fully (I'm only human!).

    It can be a spiritual thing. It can also be a moral or ethical principle a person wants to follow throughout their life.

    It is important to me as a motivator and guide for all my focuses.

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  7. Select multiple items to reschedule for Do Later from Defer or Daily Targets

    While doing Start My Day, it woud be great if I could batch select items to "Do Later" and assign a future date, rather than having to do one item at a time. A second place would be in Daily Targets. At the end of the day, it would be great to be abe to batch select items that I want to push to Do Later and schedule down the road. Otherwise, the whole lengthy list pops up again the next day, and I have to go through the same process OR schedule one by one.

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  8. During start my day the Trackers module only displays the first item I entered. I'd like all of them to appear.

    During start my day the Trackers module only displays the first item I entered. I'd like all of them to appear.

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  9. Let mind map nodes open and close!

    Allow the nodes on the mind map to open and close so we can walk through the presentation ideas without having everything open all the time. It's a simple thing, that would make the mind map much more useful for me to use it for explanations all the time.

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  10. Enable photos to dream catcher & converting content to text

    walking around, driving or internet enable picture taking of opportunity

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  11. 1 vote

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  12. Juggernaut day 38

    Juggernaut day 38 video is banned from youtube

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  13. 1 vote

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  14. Add Original Date to HIME section

    when doing HIME can we please add the orginal date that they task was created as a option ?

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  15. Projects Scheduling

    Simpleology is great until one gets to projects. I undertand that you have to assign them to myself or someone in order to be able to schedule them, But if you Enable scheduling Projects. if you could have a timeline also to keep track it will be amazing,
    TIME BOXING ABILITY is an amazing feature, where you can change your schedule on the fly.

    What the capability of projects is now is really limited. and I don't see that it can have interaction with other programs via zapier.

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  16. 1 vote

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  17. Have a "Cheat Sheet" of all the shortcuts in SO

    There are so many great shortcuts in Simpleology. It would be great to have a sheet of all the shortcuts for reference.

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  18. Add the export feature to the delegation station just like the one that's on the daily targets list

    This would be very helpful if I could export delegated tasks with a click of a button and be able to print off a "To Do" list for my employees with little effort.

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  19. Mass Change Reminder Dates When categorizing items as deliberate

    I would love the ability to mass change reminder dates when categorizing items as deliberate. That way i don't have to change one by one

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  20. Way to change delegated items back to targets.

    When I am using simpleology on my iPad, I often accidentally hit Delegate instead of Do It. I have found no way to convert these delegated tasks back to Do It Targets.

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