Filter daily targets by multiple labels instead of just all or one.
Often I find myself wanting to see my daily targets that are in multiple categories (labels), but still not ALL categories (the result of selecting "none" on the filter). I may even want to see all targets except for those in only one particular category. Could the label/filter feature be constructed in a way that would allow us to select multiple labels to show in our daily targets at one time?

Charles Hill commented
The "all or one" feature isn't working. I label tasks according to where they can be done or what tools I need to get them done. For example, "Home", "Office", "Online", "Errands", "Phone", etc. I can make calls while running errands or sitting in the office. I can also complete "Online" tasks from anywhere I have my computer and internet access. I cannot do "Home" or "Errand" tasks while I'm in the office. I generally can't focus on making phone calls when I'm running errands. Therefore, I need to be able to toggle my Daily Targets by multiple labels.
Lauren Smith commented
I really need this. I have multiple areas of focus and within each I may have email or errand