Recurring Reminders
Would it be possible to set reminders to be recurring? I have a list with reminders set that once they have occurred I will need them again. The individual items are not a recurring tasks.
It would be useful to be able to select to repeat every day/ every week / every month/ every year or to a custom selection like every 3rd Friday of the month.
If this can be done it would also be very useful to apply this to the Recurring Tasks ;)
Many thanks for considering......

Richard Fulton commented
Would love this along with an icon in Daily Targets to show that an item is "Recurring"
Saz Bailey commented
Hi. Listed a new idea that I realise is actually asking for the above. I provided a new description of what I am trying to do so I thought it might be useful to detail that here to give more clarity..........
What I am trying to do is create a list that has recurring items within it but not show up as individual recurring task items.
I've created my list: Birthdays.
Within that list I want to have a sublist of dates that will recur on an annual basis with a scheduled reminder.
I have got around this by creating a task per date, setting it as a recurring one, and scheduling a reminder for each.The problem is that every single date appears in my recurring tasks lists when actually the recurring task list name that I want to identify this group of tasks by is simply 'Birthdays'.
I think perhaps this way of doing things sits just outside the idea of what the current use of recurring tasks is. I have previously requested an idea - which is planned - called recurring reminders, which I think partly addresses this issue.
Can we just have recurring reminders that sit within a list and don't require setting as recurring tasks to have them recur?
Thanks, hope this helps. Saz.
Stewart Padilla commented
I was going to suggest intermittent reminders as I find that some things go from dream catcher to deliberate to do it later. I see where I can manually remind myself once about a task but it would be nice to have Simpleology periodically threw my "do it later" stuff in front of my face so I can decide again if the task's timing is right or not. It would also be nice to see how long something has been on my do it later list or how many times I've put it off. (or had the reminder recur)