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Deciding “what to build next” is hard. Your voice is the most important element of our decision process. Don’t be shy – tell us what you want. But please look for the feature you want first, and if it’s already there, cast your vote. If not, start a new topic.

709 results found

  1. Regenerating Tasks

    I have a lot of small items to progress which depend on others. I can pick these up in Dream Catcher or Start My Day but I have a problem lonce they have been actioned.

    For example - I need to set a meeting. I place the call, cannot reach the recipient and leave a voice mail or send email.

    The task is 'done' but not done with.

    If I mark it done - I have to re-enter and if I leave it my Daily Targets get clogged up.

    What would be erally helpful would be an option to mark…

    6 votes
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  2. Ability to add pictures & videos to our major focus

    To get it from our consciousness to subconscious our subconscious mind thinks in pictures. So we should see our goals in picture form for our subconscious sake to coincide with all that simpleology offers our conscious and logical mind.

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  3. Add video/short phrase to end of Start My Day

    I've noticed that since completing my Black Belt I miss having a video after I complete Start My Day... It seemed to really put me in the mood to speed through my daily targets, hearing that video ending with "have fun, and get it done!". I wouldn't mind having the choice to turn this feature on/off (I understand some people may not need the extra kick, like I do!).

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  4. Add/Edit Ben Franklin Habits Without Having to Go Through Start My Day

    It would be great to have the ability to go directly to the Ben Franklin habits module to add or edit a habit without having to go through Start My Day.

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  5. recurring tasks in engine list

    Enable Recurring Tasks as an available list in the engines. I can't currently use an engine to set a task to the Recurring tasks list.

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  6. Tello Integration

    I use Trello every day to manage my team / customers and customer projects. Even though we have a delegation and project manager with Simpleology, it would be fantastic to be able to push out a task to a Trello project. Easiest way would be to use the Trello Board's email address but better way would be to use the Trello API. Please consider.

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  7. Windows 10 UWP app which would work on all Windows form factors (desktop, mobile, tablet)

    I know that you have web-based mobile version but it's just not that convenient (I have to login each and every time I open it up) as the full-blown Windows 10 UWP Mobile app would be. With UWP you could have one app for all Windows devices (be it desktop, mobile, tablet, or even XBox) and even incorporate full functionality of Start My Day (that one's missing for me in the mobile version - my tablet is quickly becoming my daily driver).

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  8. Make it possible to view all videos on mobile devices such as iPhone and Ipad

    I was unable to view the videos under the Juggernaut training on my iPad. It was quite disappointing. I give all of my votes to being able to make the changes necessary to allow full compatibility with mobile devices when doing Start My Day. I did't travel with my laptop and was quite surprised to find that I could not go through the videos on my iPad so I am putting in a feature request to address this limitation.

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  9. Using multiple labels and changing colors

    For quick reference and task association as well as expediency, having multiple label assignment on a target is highly desired. As well being able to change colors without completely losing a target delegation again would expedite efficiency .

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  10. Inside Of Simpleology Mobile App in section Dream Cather make a an audio recording, not just texting, especially good when you are driving.

    This is very usefull when you have a pop-up idea or blitz just to record it, especialy if you cannot type it.

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  11. Make Simpleology Website Mobile Responsive, including All Videos

    I get that there's a mobile app, but a lot seems to be missing from it and it is mobile friendly, but mobile responsive websites are now expected at this point in time.

    Also, some of the videos work on iOS (example: White Belt Training) and some don't (example: Juggernaut Academy).

    I know this is a huge undertaking for a site as complex as this one, but I think it's also that important considering a high percentage of people use mobile devices to access the internet for on-the-go business/life.

    Thank you for your consideration! :)

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  12. Account Management Online Interface

    Someone posted this before, but it was marked completed with just a link to a way to request information via (essentially) email. THIS IS A NON-ANSWER, and almost insulting.

    A proper online billing interface should AT LEAST allow us to immediately see our billing & purchase history on the page. This is basic stuff for the internet.

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  13. Comprehensive Online Video Training

    The training schema is great... but having comprehensive training for the various features of Simpleology would 1. help folks that are trying to learn how to use the system and it's parts together, and,

    1. add great content out in the "Wild" that would draw more customers to Simpleology
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  14. The ability to view/manage your purchases and/or subscription via the Simpleology user interface

    Currently I have no idea what I have bought, what is included in my subscription and when and how much I need to pay for my subscription(s).

    Requesting this information from the Support is inconvenient.

    How about giving us the information in our accounts - as extra option(s) in the Status drop-down?

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  15. Ability to share lists with other users.

    ability to share a list with others where they can view, tick off or add/edit list...

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  16. Automatically copy a backward planner item to the "stuff I want" section when you set it as a major focus

    The beauty of Simpleology is the ability to take a vague long term goal and turn it into a task today, that will start to change my life.

    I want to take a long term goal, backward plan and then take the first task as my medium term goal, backward plan ... first task as short term goal ... backward plan ... to first daily task.

    But, the system blocks the flow from "stuff I want" to "daily tasks". Setting a backward planner item as a focus sends it into limbo. I can't then backward plan from that major focus…

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  17. Improve Focus Enforcer

    I like the idea of the new focus enforcer, but not the way it's implemented. - Having the task on top of my browser window is great, but it blocks the view of the website I'm on.

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  18. love the engines - thank you! Please make it possible to add a "review date" to a whole category - all items appear in your daily planner

    It is sometimes tedious setting dates for each item in a category. We may have an entire category that we wish to review at a certain date, or at a recurring date (for example monthly or annually). On that date all the items in the category should come up for review. The makes it possible to have catgories like "conference reminders" or "August 2013" or "August - annual review" or "end of month" where the category will come up for review on the specified date (once or recurring as specified). NOTE: this will also help those who want DAILY taks…

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  19. being able to copy entries when getting reminders for deliberations

    I often have a lot of items that i send to the mental lock box but want to be reminded of them later. So when filing the lockbox items it would be useful to be file mutlipe items at once into the lockbox with a reminder date rather than having to do each of them individually.

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  20. The ability to separate Work and Personal.

    When I'm at work I want to be looking at work 'stuff' and have the ability to switch to personal or mix both work and personal. Helps the focus.
    PS I like the right click option to 'action' stuff - I wish it was more widespread in the systems.

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