Regenerating Tasks
I have a lot of small items to progress which depend on others. I can pick these up in Dream Catcher or Start My Day but I have a problem lonce they have been actioned.
For example - I need to set a meeting. I place the call, cannot reach the recipient and leave a voice mail or send email.
The task is 'done' but not done with.
If I mark it done - I have to re-enter and if I leave it my Daily Targets get clogged up.
What would be erally helpful would be an option to mark the task as 'done' and have the task regenerate either in Dream Catcher or Do It Later.
This is different to recurring tasks and in some ways more useful.
These are short life items which don't really recur - but need to be nudged forward over a couple of few iterations to get done.
I can check recurring tasks as part of my Start My Day to make sure monthly or weekly items are picked up.