Comprehensive Online Video Training
The training schema is great... but having comprehensive training for the various features of Simpleology would 1. help folks that are trying to learn how to use the system and it's parts together, and,
- add great content out in the "Wild" that would draw more customers to Simpleology

Andreas Katsouris commented
indeed training videos will be tremendously important and also a video summary on how everything is interrelated and the result, bringing great planning and organization to all we do in life
Garnet Chaney commented
The most common response is that users need to work through the various belt trainings, they use repetition to make things into a habit, etc. And there is a lot of wisdom to that.
But there is also a need for the kind of training you are talking about so that users can learn about more advanced features when they are ready to learn, not when a belt training program thinks you have waited long enough to learn some more advanced feature..