love the engines - thank you! Please make it possible to add a "review date" to a whole category - all items appear in your daily planner
It is sometimes tedious setting dates for each item in a category. We may have an entire category that we wish to review at a certain date, or at a recurring date (for example monthly or annually). On that date all the items in the category should come up for review. The makes it possible to have catgories like "conference reminders" or "August 2013" or "August - annual review" or "end of month" where the category will come up for review on the specified date (once or recurring as specified). NOTE: this will also help those who want DAILY taks to appear as you could simply create a category and then set it to "recurring - dailly" or "recurring - week days" or "weekends" or "Tue and Fri" etc . Thank you.

Lauren Smith commented
Make this true for lists as well. I want to be able to review an entire list at regular points.
This will help with the backwards planners as well. The items here just get lost