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709 results found

  1. sticky notes

    Small sticky note off to the side of My Day & My Life that stays with you as you navigate simpleology - for things like an inspirational message or other thing you want/need to keep in view everyday.

    Or you could jot a note there that you want to remember to put into another tab of the simpleology system once you're finished with what you're currently working on.

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  2. Subtasks and comments in the other sections where editing tasks is possible (not just daily targets)

    I think the subtasks and comments under Daily Targets are such an awesome feature. I would like to also have them available under Dream Catcher, Backwards Planner or Mental Lockbox.

    As I am filling up tasks, I always almost want to be able to attach notes to them. I love this is possible in Daily Targets, but I'd like to be able to jot down notes whenever I am creating tasks in the Dream Catcher or Backwards Planner. I've also felt the need to add subtasks a few times. I also think the existing comments/subtasks should be preserved when moving…

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  3. Encouragement Counter in the daily tasks window showing off to yourself your finished to do`s

    When I complete a task now, it just disappears and jumps to the archive - with no reminder to myself how good I am to have completed this task. It would be awesome that there is a counter at the top of the target list, for example: finished 3 tasks out of 12. Only 9 left!

    And every time we finish/complete a task, this number changes, encouraging us to complete, and showing of the progress.

    An upgrade of this encouragement counter would be a reward! When you reach 6 finished tasks out of 12, you allow yourself to take some…

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  4. Can we make the "next" button on Start my day a lot bigger please?

    Or even make the right arrow on the keyboard also move to the next step, as to not have to slow down and use the mouse. Also, it's confusing how sometimes it's a "Next" button, sometimes it is a "finish Start my Day".

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  5. Assign tasks/ideas to multiple list

    Today I found myself adding items that are part of different lists:
    - I'm going on a writing retreat and need to keep them in mind while peparing
    - But they're also part of a specific business project.

    So it would be great to assign the same item to multiple lists without duplicating them. Just like labels in GMail.

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  6. Life is a game - Add a measurement feature that lets us track our score in life and tag rewards to that score

    I just took the StrengthFinder2.0 survey and learned something about myself that I already knew....I like a good competition. So I've heard of this concept of gamification which led to this crazy idea -> adding the ability to create your own personal reward system linked to accomplished tasks. Thought it might be a fun and effective way to celebrate the small wins and give us users another way to tie our tasks to a WHY. Maybe each task is worth points and you can "buy" a reward with those points OR maybe an hour workout 3 days a week is…

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  7. Subtasks

    like that subtasks can be added and edited, but would find them (more) useful if they could be later made into a "daily target". Currently, I use subtasks when creating and organizing the ideas for projects that I keep in lists.

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  8. Ability to add subfolders to list folders

    Ability to add subfolders to list folders. If this is possible, I haven't found a way to do it as of yet...

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  9. Allow us to go back and review previously completed training sesions. If not all of them at least a few days worth.

    Some times I feel like I missed something. Allowing me to go back and check would be great.

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  10. Allow reclassification of delegated tasks

    Once a task has been delegated, it is not possible to "undelegate" it.

    It would be nice to be able to move a task back to "do it" status without having to delete and recreate the item.

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  11. enable sorting lists in a folder

    Just like it's very helpful to sort sub-tasks underneath a daily target entry or list, it would really be useful to be able to sort the lists in a folder (of lists). Currently they are sorted in the chronological order they were added to the folder, and the only way to resort them is to delete them and re-enter them in order, which creates redundant work.

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  12. Ability to sort the Do it later tasks by date

    Ability to see date assigned to do it later tasks and sort by date. This would allow me to see what's coming up.

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  13. New menu - 'Tomorrow's Targets'

    Ability to view tasks assigned to tomorrows date similar to that of daily targets so that I can view and manage tomorrows tasks.

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  14. Add "average" and "ideal target" lines to tracker charts

    There's two ideas here but they could easily be implemented together.

    1) Add an option box on tracker charts which, when selected, will draw an average line through the tracker charts; if current year is selected, it will be average for current year; if current month is selected, it will be average for current month, etc. Also display the average as a number somewhere on the chart.

    The advantage of this is that, particularly when chart entries are erratic, we can better measure improvements over time using custom date ranges.

    2) Add an option on creating/editing a tracker to provide…

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  15. Run prioritize module OUTSIDE SMD and on filtered daily target lists

    It would be awesome if I could run prioritization module (or any SMD module for that matter) on a sub-set or filtered daily target list (or even a list outside the Daily Targets).

    I use simpleology in kind of a different way (I assume everyone does)... I mostly use labels as categories on my daily target list to organize my forefront priorities and thoughts. Then I filter to the category I want to work in for that period of time.

    So my actual daily target list is really like my sandbox of most important tasks/ideas and I have one category…

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  16. A facility to mark a task that you are unable to do because some else needs to do their part and you have to wait for this to happen.

    Sometimes you go to do something on your list and can't because of outside circumstances e.g. web site down, person not available. You have to wait for someone else to reply or a web site to be fixed. I would like to mark a task and keep it in my targets but know that I am waiting for things to change. I want to record that I have completed my targets.

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  17. Bulk Actions for Do it later under lists

    After clicking into list and going to do it later, it is extremely inefficient to have to delete items one at a time. Please develop a feature that will allow us to select multiple items and delete them, not just simple cross them out.

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  18. Have a way for a person to browse through projects and only see what applies to them.

    When you have a team and a project wall for that whole team, It would be useful for an individual team member to be able to look at the project wall, and immediately see which projects and which cards and which tasks applied to them.

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  19. Daily Targets Progress Bar: On Daily Targets there be a progress bar on each line as often I am making progress through the day.

    Add energy and celebration with a progress bar On Daily Targets. The progress bar would tell me what percentage is complete and what still needs to be done. It could also be a gas gauge adding the fuel of completion to my day. Smiles, Jim

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  20. Publish Simpleology API

    The api would be used to access data and automate project/tasks or trigger events in Simpleology

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