Run prioritize module OUTSIDE SMD and on filtered daily target lists
It would be awesome if I could run prioritization module (or any SMD module for that matter) on a sub-set or filtered daily target list (or even a list outside the Daily Targets).
I use simpleology in kind of a different way (I assume everyone does)... I mostly use labels as categories on my daily target list to organize my forefront priorities and thoughts. Then I filter to the category I want to work in for that period of time.
So my actual daily target list is really like my sandbox of most important tasks/ideas and I have one category that really acts like my "Daily Targets" - it would be awesome to leverage prioritized module on any sub-list like these.
(PS - categorizing Daily Targets makes things SUPER EASY - I use 'tshirt-sized' categories (1,2,3 priority) then I just move tasks/ideas up or down 'priority' categories dynamically and use engines to insert based on how important I feel the idea is when I have it - so SMD is basically already done every time I push the button... with minor high-level tweaks or jolts of creativity - its been a breeze)