Add "average" and "ideal target" lines to tracker charts
There's two ideas here but they could easily be implemented together.
1) Add an option box on tracker charts which, when selected, will draw an average line through the tracker charts; if current year is selected, it will be average for current year; if current month is selected, it will be average for current month, etc. Also display the average as a number somewhere on the chart.
The advantage of this is that, particularly when chart entries are erratic, we can better measure improvements over time using custom date ranges.
2) Add an option on creating/editing a tracker to provide an ideal target number and draw a line to represent that number on the chart. So, for example, if we are tracking nightly sleep duration and want to aim for an ideal time of 8 hours, a line will be drawn at 8 so that chart entries can be seen in comparison to the target line.
This just makes it a little easier to see if we are sticking to that target or not.
It will also be nice if both of the above can be displayed on the same chart (in different colours) so that our average can be compared to our ideal target.

Jason Robison commented
I love this idea. I hope that both parts of it are implemented soon.
Mark Jones commented
A trend line may also be useful for showing general improvement over time.