Allow reclassification of delegated tasks
Once a task has been delegated, it is not possible to "undelegate" it.
It would be nice to be able to move a task back to "do it" status without having to delete and recreate the item.

Mark Jones commented
I just want to give my support to this request again and add some further info as to how the problem it describes affects me.
This is a problem in both Projects and Systems:
I cannot undelegate a task once it is delegated. I also cannot redelegate a task to the same person that has declined it without delegating it to another person first and then delegating it again to the original. These are both reasonable use cases (e.g. a person might be willing to accept a task previously declined after further discussion). As mentioned, the only way to do this is to delegate to someone else first (which is a problem if there are only one or two people in a project or in a contacts list - we'd have to create a dummy delegatee), or delete and rewrite the task.
Without being able to undelegate/redelegate, Projects and, especially, Systems are hindered. In Projects the task must be deleted and recreated in order to redelegate. In the case of Systems, to delete a task so that I can redelegate it, I must cancel the whole System and restart it, delegating and completing all previously completed tasks to get the System to where it was before, so I can redelegate the task. Fortunately, I am using Systems on my own most of the time but it would be an extremely great nuisance to restart Systems if I were doing them in conjunction with other delegatees.
This would be solved by just providing an "undelegate" button, or allowing us to undelegate a task by saving the task with a blank name field (currently disallowed by the program).
Mark Jones commented
My main problem with this is that if a person declines a task it remains delegated to them in the Delegation Station (DS) or Project until delegated to someone else. This doesn't reflect the reality of working on projects and sends incorrect information to the person managing the project and the person delegating the task.
Also, if I archive a Project that has incompleted but delegated tasks, the Project is archived but the tasks remain in the Delegation Station (which can be a lot of tasks). If I am done with those tasks because the Project has been archived but the tasks were incompleted (it may have been abandoned) I don't want to see them in the Delegation Station anymore - they take up a lot of space and I don't need them unless I unarchive the project.
Currently, to remove the tasks from the DS I can only delete them from the DS which also removes them from the Project. However, most of the time I want to keep them in the Project even though the Project is archived because I may go back to the Project again. I want all the tasks to still be there for the future. But to retain the tasks in the Project I have to leave them in the DS.
In my opinion, the better solution would be to allow delegated tasks to be undelegated, keeping them in the Project but removing them from the Delegation Station. This can be done by allowing us to delete the name in a delegated task and save it, thus removing the delegation. Currently, if we delete the delegatee name and save the system produces an error saying the name is required. This is understandable since you cannot delegate something to nobody, but logically we need a way to indicate that a task currently has no delegatee (as it was before delegating the first time). It would be better to allow the field to be saved empty if previously there was once a delegation, hence removing the delegation and returning the item to an undelegated state.
Mark Jones commented
I was going to post this as a suggestion also.
There doesn't seem to be a way to undelegate it other than to:
1) delegate it to someone else,
2) request the user to decline it,
3) delete the task and re-enter it.2 & 3 are inefficient time-wise. 1 & 2 involve a loss of control from the admin of the task/project who may wish to keep the task undelegated for the time being.
Undelegating a task seems to me to be an essential feature. Thanks.