Deciding “what to build next” is hard. Your voice is the most important element of our decision process. Don’t be shy – tell us what you want. But please look for the feature you want first, and if it’s already there, cast your vote. If not, start a new topic.
436 results found
Bring back the floating dream catcher input field
It is very convenient to have the floating dream catcher input field back on all/most of the pages inside simpleology. It's faster than clicking on the "Dream Catcher" tab and waiting for everything to finish loading.
With the floating input field, users could immediately go back to what they were doing (for example, if someone is on the daily targets tab, evaluating his tasks for the day, and some idea pops up on his mind, he would just enter it on the floating input field and then submit it and then go back to review his daily targets again.
9 votesIt’s back! :-)
Keep a contact person's email address that gets delegations frequently and make it so that you can have it repeating
I frequently delegate the same task on a daily basis to one person -- I have to input the task, the email address, and the daily task every time.
9 votesYou may add your contacts to Simpleology Manage Contacts –
Once added, when delegating a task, as you type, your contacts will begin to appear (“auto-suggest”) for easy selection.
9 votes
Tracker: Add a way to edit previous entries.
When you discover that you have entered an incorrect value in a tracker, having an easy way to correct the value would be very helpful
8 votesSimpleology Trackers now allow you to edit previous entries. Check it out @
Retain Orginal Task Dates
Latest version changes dates of older tasks to today's date. Prefer original dates to be retained as it was over the past 5 years.
8 votes -
8 votes
It has just been released with Simpleology 5.5 :-)
I think it would be cool if you can add a mental lockbox module.
Would be nice to visit my mental lockbox during the start your day process.
8 votes -
7 votes
done! you can move calendar items to Google Calendar and any iCalendar compatible calendar now …
Daily target functionality not working
daily target arrow on the right dont work. mouse over effect if there were any on daily targets also don't show.
7 votesHey guys, Senloll is exactly right. Please confirm:
1. You are looking at the Daily Tarets page:
2. You have the “options overlay” switched to “on” (in the upper right corner of the targets list)
3. Once on, move your mouse over the item you want to change. You’ll see many options there, but the “done” tick mark is on the left.
We are creating another training tool to make all of this even easier to use and more obvious. Our apologies if this wasn’t as intuitive as it could have been!
The new "Tracker" also becomes a step in the "Start my Day" process.
Add the "Tracker" to the Simpleology "Start my Day" process... making 1 of the steps to do each day become "Update your tracker."
Only by keeping the trackers updated in real time can we hope to change our behaviors and see where we can improve. Daily update option will help us to remember to update on going.
7 votesthis is now an Elite Start My Day module :-)
Ability to move LockBox items to Ultimate Life Be/Do/Have categories or as items in backward planner of existing ultimate life goals
My mental lock box keeps getting clogged up, so like a lot of people I periodically review it and delete no longer relevant items.
But what I also find is some of these items need to be transferred to the Ultimate Life section, either as new Be/Do/Have goals, or added to an existing, but not currently in focus, item. It would be really useful if there was a way to move items from the Lock Box into the Ultimate Life, or add to an existing ultimate life goal as a step in the backward planner. Currently it's a lot of…7 votes -
Export List - Email or SMS
Ability to send list to email or SMS, like we can our Daily Targets. Especially good for shopping lists. :)
7 votes -
Improve the process flow with some of the methodology found on GTD. (by David Allen)
7 votes -
Simpler Interface - without displaying all available products
Simpler Interface - please do display products that make the scrolling bar long and complicated. Just display the ones we purchased and other available products in other tabs from clogging up the interface.
7 votes -
When there is no, for example, DELEGATE task, why should we click a page confirming that we do not have delegation task?! MAKE IT SIMPLER
it should go to the next level automatically. jump that trivial step.
7 votesWe’ve just applied an update to Start My Day that now recognizes how many tasks you have in your Brainstorm list and skips “blank” or “empty” Start My Day steps that do not have tasks to process.
This update is only true if you are NOT going through “Do Today’s Training”. If you are going through “Do Today’s Training”, to accommodate the lessons / presentations of the training, the “blank” or “empty” steps will not be skipped.
Check it out and let us know what you think.
7 votes
Simpleology Trackers now allow you to add a comment to each of your data points.
When viewing the Tracker, hover your mouse over the data point in question where in additional information and options appear.
As part of the options there is now a space for adding your comments.
Hope this helps!
Being able to add items from every screen to mental lockbox with reminder date
The new right click menu on daily targets is an incredible tool. It would be very useful to be able to right click on items in the dream catcher, brain dump, and throughout the start my day menu to do the same things - such as add things directly from dream catcher or brain dump to the mental lockbox with a reminder
6 votesCheck out the new “Engines” feature –
Enable recurring tasks that show up automatically in daily targets every day or on certain days of the week
So if I want to work-out M, W, F, that task would show up automatically on those days once I set it. (different than Wimiki alarms)
6 votesCheck out the new “Recurring Tasks” feature –
subtasks for items in dream catcher / mental lockbox
i would like to be able to enter subtasks in the dream catcher and mental lockbox
6 votesHi Laurie, this has been added to Simpleology 4.0 :-)
Access to certain legacy materials
I have seen any and all suggestions for the legacy courseware closed, but since Simpleology is moving in a totally new direction with a name change, I would like to know if you would reconsider allowing the video to be downloaded, especially for the Jacques Fresco Drawing Course and the Quick Start videos (everything else is already in audio form). Also, the Construct essays would be nice to see again, too. It had not occurred to me that Simpleology is 7 years old - that is a long time ! Great work !
6 votesHey Damien, thanks for the kind words.
The Jacque Fresco drawing course is actually still available for sale, but we don’t advertise it anymore. Please contact Customer Care if you’re interested in purchasing:
As for the Construct essays, we understand Mark is planning to bring them back in a very different form in the future. The organization is currently focused exclusively on building Simpleology for the time being. This ultimate mission is still to realize what Mark plans for CZ, but that’s a later step in our goals.
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