Bring back the floating dream catcher input field
It is very convenient to have the floating dream catcher input field back on all/most of the pages inside simpleology. It's faster than clicking on the "Dream Catcher" tab and waiting for everything to finish loading.
With the floating input field, users could immediately go back to what they were doing (for example, if someone is on the daily targets tab, evaluating his tasks for the day, and some idea pops up on his mind, he would just enter it on the floating input field and then submit it and then go back to review his daily targets again.

It’s back! :-)
jason Tate commented
If this is the one that slides out from the right side of the page, then the page needs to focus on the input box when the user clicks to slide it out. It makes no sense to have to click on the input box before being able to start typing your dream catcher thought. That's 2 clicks instead of 1. This is in Chrome, not sure about other browsers but probably the same.
summary: after clicking to slide out the "floating" dream catcher input field, I should be able to immediately start typing instead of having to click on the input field first.