When is the Black Belt Training coming? I am suffering withdrawal symptoms.
It has just been released with Simpleology 5.5 :-)
Nancy E Randolph commented
All I wanted for Christmas was my Black belt training. How about for MLK day or at the latest Valentine's day?
George Fish commented
It's already the end of 2013 and still no Black Belt training! This means that all the premium features are shut off for the free members until training starts back up. How about at least leave those features on for the Red Belt members so I won't forget everything I've learned?
scott zubarik commented
Thank you.
Hey guys,
We appreciate the feedback. Black Belt is coming online very soon. We're releasing Simpleology 5.5 soon that will be deeply tied to that level of training.
We had to make a choice: release a version of Black Belt that will be quickly obsolete or take the time to release a more complete version, focusing on delivering more features.
We hare highly confident that when you see 5.5 you will find it was very well worth the wait!
The Simpleology Team
Peter Kellaway commented
Need a target date....
Claire Appleby commented
Yes please! I was very surprised to get to the end of the red belt training and find that the black belt training wasn't available. It's especially frustrating since you're not allowed to progress to the Business Growth or High Energy training until you reach black belt. It may be that the BG and HE training modules aren't available yet, but it would be good to make this clear, as the library screens suggests that they are available and it's just that you can't get access because you're not yet a black belt. Very frustrating!