Access to certain legacy materials
I have seen any and all suggestions for the legacy courseware closed, but since Simpleology is moving in a totally new direction with a name change, I would like to know if you would reconsider allowing the video to be downloaded, especially for the Jacques Fresco Drawing Course and the Quick Start videos (everything else is already in audio form). Also, the Construct essays would be nice to see again, too. It had not occurred to me that Simpleology is 7 years old - that is a long time ! Great work !

Hey Damien, thanks for the kind words.
The Jacque Fresco drawing course is actually still available for sale, but we don’t advertise it anymore. Please contact Customer Care if you’re interested in purchasing:
As for the Construct essays, we understand Mark is planning to bring them back in a very different form in the future. The organization is currently focused exclusively on building Simpleology for the time being. This ultimate mission is still to realize what Mark plans for CZ, but that’s a later step in our goals.