Ability to move LockBox items to Ultimate Life Be/Do/Have categories or as items in backward planner of existing ultimate life goals
My mental lock box keeps getting clogged up, so like a lot of people I periodically review it and delete no longer relevant items.
But what I also find is some of these items need to be transferred to the Ultimate Life section, either as new Be/Do/Have goals, or added to an existing, but not currently in focus, item. It would be really useful if there was a way to move items from the Lock Box into the Ultimate Life, or add to an existing ultimate life goal as a step in the backward planner. Currently it's a lot of cutting and pasting and having to keep two instances of simpleology open, then delete items from the lock box once they're transferred manually.
Also, in the ultimate life section, the only options (I can find anyway, please tell me if I'm wrong) are to add backward planner lists or delete the items. It would be really helpful if I could edit existing items, send them to one of the other categories without having to delete and re-enter, and move items up and down like in the backward planning lists, as some ultimate life items depend on others, while some are just ideas for later in life, and would be better of at the bottom of the list instead of distracting attention from more immediate goals.
David Schneider commented
Yes, please! I was going suggest every single thing Gail suggested here. Glad I found this post.
I would even add that we should be able to transfer items to our "Stuff I want" section (Be/Do/Have and all their backward planners) not only from our Mental Lock Box, but from one or more points in the "Start My Day" process. I'm consistently adding things to the Dreamcatcher that belong either in one of my backwards planners or should be listed as a "Stuff I want" goal that should have its own backwards planner. It would be so much easier to just move it there from maybe Step 3 (Do it, Deliberate, or Dump It) of Start My Day. Right now, it's a matter of cutting and pasting. Clunky.
And just to reiterate what Gail said about the "My Life: Stuff I want" section, it would be way more helpful and easy to use if we could...
1. Edit existing "Be/Do/Have" items. Goals can transform, yes? If that happens, I don't want to have to make an entirely new entry. I'd have to redo my entire backwards planner for it.
2. Drag-Sort existing Be/Do/Have items. Gail said it best. Lower priority goals often get stuck at the top of the list and they're distracting. We could create a much clearer picture of our future if we could properly sequence our goals.