sort list items by label
Observation Log Barriers & Multipliers
Better use of Labels in Daily Target list
time line on tracker graphs to scale
Allow user to choose max tasks (up to "all") viewed per page in all views (esp dreamcatcher)
Have delegated targets reappear in Start My Day for followup when due to be completed. · completed
allow all items in a list to be viewed on one page
Dreamcatcher to email, text messages, customer service request, etc.
Archived completed targets show date completed as well as date first entered into Dream Catcher
Scrolling up and down labels list is awkward
Basecamp Integration (and other CRMs) · declined
Date entry shortcut like Outlook.
App · completed
Recurring tasks put at top of daily tasks when added - so, no need to manually sort
Don't tell me to Start My Day when my day is done. · declined
Allow for rearranging/re-ordering the trackers in Start My Day workflow
Remember selected Start My Day modules · completed
Add a Way to ShareProjects
When checking the box that a Daily Target is complete have a cool sound effect like a crowd cheering
Edit subtasks or add a subtasks overlay? · completed