Scrolling up and down labels list is awkward
As I use labels a lot I'm finding scrolling up and down my labels list awkward. Can this be improved to be an easier to navigate format? Also I'd like the option to put the labels I use the most at the top of my list. At present these have defaulted to the bottom which is adding to the time taken to label items. Thanks!

Maciej Wasyluk commented
Would be enough to add possibility to sort priority of labels manually, e.g. drag and drop in "edit" label view.
Donna Manley commented
If we could have a few more colors for the labels, that would be nice too - but the main thing is to be able to control the order of our labels.
Lauren Smith commented
Allow shortcut keys to be assigned for common labels so labelling can be done without the mouse
Allow for the labels to be like a tag list you just click - when the task has focus the menu of options is visible and a select label drop down is visible - change this so that the list of labels is visible in its entirety either as a small list under the menu of options or as a list dropping to side of the item so all you need do is click it -
Arif Ali commented
A simple enhancement to this (like a step in the right direction) might be to allow us to type the first couple of letters of the label and have the list filter the drop down contents per our keypress. So for example, in the label box, if I type "Ho" the list filters down to Home and Hobbies.
Weston Pokorny commented
I share Aisling O'Gorman's challenge and desire for a more fluid 'Label Selector/Manager'.
I made a visual mock-up for this topic but don't think I can post it here. - Mark, Much appreciation for all that you do - it feels fantastic to share in our community of Simpleology!
Andrew Thomas commented
completed agree its a pain in the butt to keep scrolling down
Marissa L Ampon commented
I agree about the label list not being as efficient as I would personally like. I envision navigation to be, let's say, Step 1: hovering my cursor over the label-drop-down menu bar where the entire drop-down list automatically appears to allow me to then Step 2: click on the label I need
having to Step 1: click on the drop down button, then Step 2: scroll down to the label I need, and then FINALLY Step 3: clicking on the label. That's my two cents. Thanks for reading!