sort list items by label
I like using labels in lists. there are lots of lists in Simpleology 4. I often have a lots of items in lists.
why not have a feature where you can press a button and it sorts the list by label? That'd save a lot of time, look tidier and be a lot SIMPLER. :)

Michael Levinson commented
I was listening to a podcast with David Allen (Getting things Done) being interviewed. He talked about a lot of our tasks being contexual - ie: "these are things I need to do when I am at a computer", or these are things to do when I am out running errands, or these are things to do when I am meeting with a certain person... Being able to sort my daily targets would enable me to be able to very quickly sort my daily targets contextually and therefore be much more productive with my time.
Adrian Vidrascu commented
It would be very useful! I also have some recurring tasks that I would need to see together, to let the other distinguish, for instance. I also need to group tasks by context...
John Cusack commented
I would like this to be taken further - Ability to 'process' only items with a particular Label through Start-my-Day. The rest to remain in DreamCatcher. Why. Its about focus..It would be great to deal with everything related to on Label....I might even go back and so Start My Day again for a different label.
Mike Feryn commented
This is an essential feature I think. Once there's more than a few dozen entries in a list it would be very helpful to sort them by label when scanning them in the future. Labels already work great on the daily targets, just need to add them to other lists.
Nathanael Ayling commented
I totally agree!! Bring the 'sort by label/date/etc' option to all the lists!
aisling O'Gorman commented
In a similar way, could the Filter by label box also include a 'Filter by Date' and 'Sort by Date' option for the 'Do it Later' page - would make working with this page so much easier and useful. Thanks.
aisling O'Gorman commented
In fact... if this option were available on all pages with lists of tasks that would be great... for example I was just using my 'Do it Later' page and found I wanted the items sorted by label but don't have time to do this.