Deciding “what to build next” is hard. Your voice is the most important element of our decision process. Don’t be shy – tell us what you want. But please look for the feature you want first, and if it’s already there, cast your vote. If not, start a new topic.
709 results found
It would be helpful to have the ability to search the content of the library, dojo and any other resources by keyword. Thanks!
It would be helpful to have the ability to search the content of the library, dojo and any other resources by keyword. Thanks!
2 votes -
things that are scheduled should be automatically re entered into daily targets on the appropriate day.
Now I schedule something for the future and move it to a calendar. It is deleted from simpleology. The day comes. If I do not FIRST go to the calendar and re enter those items back into simpleology, there is a problem. I do start my day, work through the system and end up with a list of daily targets - without any of the items that had been scheduled/diarised/calendarised for that day. This is really counterintuitive.
2 votes -
Just wondering if we might have date stamp to put with finished tasks for easy finding in Archives.
Just wondering if we might have date stamp to put with finished tasks for easy finding in Archives.
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feedback button always at hand
have a feedback button always available to do what I'm doing writte now in a simpler, quicker way(less clicks away)
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A NEW mobile app for Androis
The Simpleology mobile app is no good. Please send us a new and improved one!/
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2 votes
expand the search bar to include the whole site, eg make it possible to search for "WEALTH HABIT"
Please could you expand the search feature to include the whole site, eg make it possible to search for "WEALTH HABIT", or "DEAL ROOM". Many thanks :)
2 votes -
drag into sublists
Ability to drag lists items into sub tasks of other items for easier sorting in Daily targets
-Car project
-get paintthen add to subtasks
-Car project
---get painthopefully that makes sense
2 votes -
2 votes
Weekly view of scheduled tasks
Allowing us to see all the tasks we have for the week so if we need to move something we dont blindly assign it to a day that is already packed. It allows us to see at a glance how much we have scheduled out and what days will be heavy or light.
2 votes -
Let mind map nodes open and close!
Allow the nodes on the mind map to open and close so we can walk through the presentation ideas without having everything open all the time. It's a simple thing, that would make the mind map much more useful for me to use it for explanations all the time.
2 votes -
Trackers Feature: Nested Trackers
It would be awesome to have nested trackers.
For instance, I've been building up my running stamina using interval training. So I started with 45 sets consisting of 1min walking, 30secs running. I slowly built up my stamina by changing the length of those sets with every session i.e. increasing running time and decreasing walking time. I'm doing the same with my skipping routine.
It would be cool if I could have a tracker for the "General Set" length (e.g. 2mins), the "Sub-sets" (30sec walking, 90sec running) and the number of sets (e.g. 40 sets), and be able to overlap…
1 vote -
A widget to put a thought in front of our noses as the energy \ thought starting point of the day, to remind until we change it
From time to time there are quotes that really get me moving, or an aha! or a thought..I would love a widget where I could display that on my screen automatically each time I open the computer or Simple., and then be stored to refer to later occasionally (ie in the lists maybe..) A Simpleology post-it in a sense. That makes ONE thought\quote stand out to reflect on, get my energy tuned in with, or a direction in place just as I go to move (ie opening the computer to start this day)
many thanks1 vote -
Ability For Lists Feature To Keep Items In Same Order When Published To A Public Link
When I order the items in My Lists, they appear in a different order when I hit the publish link and put them online. Would be great if we could keep the same order list items when we publish(share) them online.
1 vote -
integrate a bussines plan with a CRM into Simpleology
integrtae bussines plan with CRM into Simpleology
1 vote -
in Lists, Add a new list, adding a field for a short description would print a better managable physical list
Having several printed lists can make it a bit confusing seeing only their title and the lists themselves. Having below the title a short description of what the list is about or what it accomplishes would make it easier to handle.
1 vote -
The ability to split your daily tasks into 2 groups. Inward and outward tasks.
Inward tasks are when you can switch off all means of communication - email, phone etc.. and focus on the tasks at hand that require no other input besides your own. Outward task require external communication (e.g. getting back to people on the phone, over email, meetings, calling clients etc...)
If on daily tasks you could split these tasks - grouping them, you would be much more productive when attacking the day. Inwards tasks first followed by outward or vice versa.1 vote -
backplanning indicator on targets when BP items are present
in my life on the stuff i want, on the targets, i think it would help to have an icon indicating when there are backward planning items set
1 vote -
Consolidate the three "Stuff I Want" lists into one list
This is a small request, but I have always found it a bit awkward the way the Stuff I Want list is broken into 3 sections.
I don't see the benefit of choosing whether to put a particular target in one or the other section. For ease-of-use I just put all targets into the top section so I can add them and view them all without having to scroll down the page.
Also, the way I phrase my target doesn't always fit in with the suggested template; (i.e. "It would be super awesome if I were...", "It would be super…
1 vote -
Ability to revise your calendar choice from Your Account
Ability to revise your calendar choice from Your Account. There seems to be nowhere to do this at present.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?