Consolidate the three "Stuff I Want" lists into one list
This is a small request, but I have always found it a bit awkward the way the Stuff I Want list is broken into 3 sections.
I don't see the benefit of choosing whether to put a particular target in one or the other section. For ease-of-use I just put all targets into the top section so I can add them and view them all without having to scroll down the page.
Also, the way I phrase my target doesn't always fit in with the suggested template; (i.e. "It would be super awesome if I were...", "It would be super awesome if I had...", "It would be super awesome if I were doing..."). These are helpful guides but having separate sections encourages the user to try and fit their target into these templates but doing so encourages adding incomplete sentences. These often will not make as much sense once the targets are copied into a Major Focus; e.g. I could "a new car" under "It would be super awesome if I had...", but once I move this to a Major Focus, it would be more sensible to say "Purchase a new car" rather than just "a new car" so I know more specifically what I want to do. Of course, I could just add targets on "Stuff I Want" phrased any way I like, but this invalidates the need for 3 different sections anyway, as I stated above, hence no need for them.
Also, in addition to reducing the used space on screen, there would be a reduction in resources used in the database with everything in one list instead of three.
The way I would do this is have the three target template suggestions at the top of the page above just a single list for adding targets to.
-- Dream big here. Then move it into focus
when you're ready to get it.
It would be super awesome if I were (e.g. 15% body fat, a pianist, etc.)
It would be super awesome if I had (e.g. $50 in the bank, a Chevy Volt, etc.)
It would be super awesome if I were doing (e.g. a trip to Egypt, basketball, etc.)
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Mark Jones commented
Still want this but got to reassign my vote. Thanks for the planned status.
Mark Jones commented
As this is planned (thanks! :-) ) I want to sneak in an addendum:
Please allow the Stuff I Want list to be reorderable. I've added quite a few items to this list so that now the ones that are my current Focus are on the 2nd page of the list. I need to navigate to the second page to do anything with them. I'd like to be able to make sure the ones I am currently focusing on are at the top of the list rather than the most recently added. Thanks! :-)
Mark Jones commented
Also, it would be helpful to be able to edit a target's text on this screen rather than only being able to edit it when it is moved to a Major Focus screen. Thanks.
Mark Jones commented
In summary: I don't actually find any benefit to having three lists, and I do actually find having three lists slows me down to decide which of the lists to put it in, and when locating for a previously added target. One list, ordered by date added or custom ordering (making targets easier to find) would be better.