Trackers Feature: Nested Trackers
It would be awesome to have nested trackers.
For instance, I've been building up my running stamina using interval training. So I started with 45 sets consisting of 1min walking, 30secs running. I slowly built up my stamina by changing the length of those sets with every session i.e. increasing running time and decreasing walking time. I'm doing the same with my skipping routine.
It would be cool if I could have a tracker for the "General Set" length (e.g. 2mins), the "Sub-sets" (30sec walking, 90sec running) and the number of sets (e.g. 40 sets), and be able to overlap all of them to see the big picture.
Mark, with your MMA training, I'm sure you'd appreciate a feature like that too :-)

Jason Robison commented
This idea was already requested one day earlier by Jan Moss under the title: Tracker: Would like to superimpose charts.
Can we take the vote for this idea and add it to Jan Moss' existing idea so that there is only a single entry for this feature request?