Deciding “what to build next” is hard. Your voice is the most important element of our decision process. Don’t be shy – tell us what you want. But please look for the feature you want first, and if it’s already there, cast your vote. If not, start a new topic.
436 results found
Being able to add items from every screen to mental lockbox with reminder date
The new right click menu on daily targets is an incredible tool. It would be very useful to be able to right click on items in the dream catcher, brain dump, and throughout the start my day menu to do the same things - such as add things directly from dream catcher or brain dump to the mental lockbox with a reminder
6 votesCheck out the new “Engines” feature –
Enable recurring tasks that show up automatically in daily targets every day or on certain days of the week
So if I want to work-out M, W, F, that task would show up automatically on those days once I set it. (different than Wimiki alarms)
6 votesCheck out the new “Recurring Tasks” feature –
ability to import e-mails
it would be great if i could import my e-mails into simpleology so that i wouldn't have to retype them into DTP.
6 votesSimpleology allows you to easily Import your contacts – – from any major service or from a CSV file.
Once you have Contacts added to Simpleology, any Delegated task can easily be assigned to any of your contacts simply by starting to type the name or email of the contact you want to assign the task to, and the system will auto-suggest matching contacts.
Hope that helps!
subtasks for items in dream catcher / mental lockbox
i would like to be able to enter subtasks in the dream catcher and mental lockbox
6 votesHi Laurie, this has been added to Simpleology 4.0 :-)
Access to certain legacy materials
I have seen any and all suggestions for the legacy courseware closed, but since Simpleology is moving in a totally new direction with a name change, I would like to know if you would reconsider allowing the video to be downloaded, especially for the Jacques Fresco Drawing Course and the Quick Start videos (everything else is already in audio form). Also, the Construct essays would be nice to see again, too. It had not occurred to me that Simpleology is 7 years old - that is a long time ! Great work !
6 votesHey Damien, thanks for the kind words.
The Jacque Fresco drawing course is actually still available for sale, but we don’t advertise it anymore. Please contact Customer Care if you’re interested in purchasing:
As for the Construct essays, we understand Mark is planning to bring them back in a very different form in the future. The organization is currently focused exclusively on building Simpleology for the time being. This ultimate mission is still to realize what Mark plans for CZ, but that’s a later step in our goals.
I miss the tick boxes
Can we have the tick boxes in front of a task instead of having to hover over the task? Currently the tick for clicking 'done' obscures the task which is diconcerting. The original boxes also kind of acted as a bullet point to help locate a task quickly
6 votesWe just released some major improvements to the “Options Overlay” and drag-n-drop across the whole site.
You can now easily drag-n-drop your items by simply grabbing the row and dragging.
As for the “Options Overlay”, we’ve removed the whole “ON / OFF” toggle concept, reduced the space it consumes, improved the organization of the options/icons, and now allow you to simply click anywhere on the “Options Overlay” that isn’t an icon to remove that row’s overlay so that you can highlight/copy that row’s text, double click to edit, and/or access click-able links.
We also increased the size of the “Lists” and “Label” drop-downs, as well as alphabetized the order of the lists that appear.
All in all, these improvements should have a positive impact on your use of the system.
Can we have the reminder dates visible at all times and make it possible to copy dates to other tasks
Please can you make the reminder dates visible again at all times in the 'do later' sections and on the start my day features. Its very confusing not being able to see quickly the dates. Also, it would speed things up if we could highlight a number of tasks at same time and give them the same date
6 votesWe have just added the Reminders list – – which provides you a view of all active targets that have a reminder date set.
You may also use the “multi-select” tool at the top of any List within Simpleology (including Daily Targets, Dream Catcher and Start My Day > Decide) to select multiple targets and set a reminder date en masse (where the same date would be set for all selected targets).
6 votes
Simpleology now offers a “Subscription / Billing” option that you may access via the navigation menu, or by going to your User Profile.
daily targets add tasks
Adding tasks to Daily Targets directly (instead of dreamcatcher->start my day)
6 votesYou can do this with an Engine or with the options overlay … (go through the belt training to learn how to do this)
Simpleology Go Social
Facebook integration into Simpleology or the other way around. And like if we achieve our goal using simpleology 101 and we can share it (or boast about it,lol) in our Facebook.."Look, my loser friends, I just bought my first Ferrari, told ya to use Simpleology, it's free, fools!.." something like, and at everytime we share (or boast about it), there is a link to join simpleology, and we get a cut for the commission..hehe, kaching! kaching!
5 votesdone! you now have “brag” functions that come up after you hit a major focus, complete all your targets, etc :-)
A help section that exactly explains how to use the software
Sometimes the Simpleology website makes me crazy. I would like things explained in a simple manner so I don't have to trial and error my way through things.The knowledge base is no help. Simpleology needs a help function!
5 votesdone! please click the new “suggestion box / help desk” link in the upper right … you’ll see some brand new “walkthrough” videos that make everything super clear (or so we hope! if not please let us know asap)
Autosync'ing Wimiki data files to multiple machines.
I use a Laptop and a Web Book. If I could place my Wimiki data files in a specific directory they would autosync across all my machines
5 votes -
Better sorting options in Mental Lockbox.
Inside Mental Lockbox its very cumbersome to sort, remove, search for items. I have now 78 pages with items and its just painful to go through this information. This part of Simpleology is not effective..
1) Option to see at least 100 items per page
2) Options to mass remove, mass remind, mass categorize
3) Sorting otions that allow to go to last page, first page and also sort by added date.5 votesenjoy :-)
Feel free to post your feedback on this blog post:
Tracker list should have a hours or time to measure e.g. sth longer than 60 minutes or a time we wake up.
e.g. sth longer than 60 minutes or a time we wake up. To keep tracking on time we stand up from bed
5 votes -
We need a training center where all the "how-to's" are available there
It seems there are a lot of features that at first i think are missing. but Often i come here and suggest this "new idea" but i then get an answer "You can already do this by....."
So why not create a training center or something where all available features are listed there and how to use them
5 votes -
Display tracker(s) on daily targets page
It would be good to see trackers on the daily targets page, so we are constantly reminded of how we are doing on them. Also, it would be good to have binary trackers (yes/no) as and option and to be able to show a streak, like the one for whether or not we have done the day's training.
5 votesThe new Dashboard feature now allows you to add your Trackers so that you can quickly see how well you’re doing for the Trackers you’re … tracking. Check it out:
Project Management Tutorial(s)?
I'm happy to be upgraded to 5.5. but I've been looking for some video overview or tutorial on the new Project Management feature. I'm an engineer (manufacturing), and I guess my anticipation was something like MSProject. Thanks for the commitment to continuous improvement. Be well always!
5 votes -
Drag and Drop for Projects
Projects are great, but would love to prioritize them. How about drag and drop?
5 votesSimpleology Project Dashboard – – now allows you to create Folders for storing Projects, as well as drag-n-drop ordering of your Project list within any of these Folders. Hope that helps!
One-Click Transfer from Daily Target to Project
I often find that some of my daily targets (especially ones that come from observe and change) are easily converted into projects. Instead of having to cross out the daily target and create a new project from the projects tab from scratch, it would be nice to be able to move the Daily Target into Projects without all the steps currently required. One click transfer from Daily Target to Project.
5 votesSimpleology now provides a way to move a Target to a Project as a Card directly from the Options Overlay.
Make it simpler.
Good basic Idea, but way too complicated and that makes it take too long.
4 votes
- Don't see your idea?