daily targets add tasks
Adding tasks to Daily Targets directly (instead of dreamcatcher->start my day)

You can do this with an Engine or with the options overlay … (go through the belt training to learn how to do this)
Kathi McCallum commented
Ditto to Donna, Peggy, Shauna, et al!
Donna Manley commented
Peggy - thank you for your comment. I took me about 2 minutes to read your note, find the engine area, add an engine and test it. So easy.
Peggy Champlin commented
I had this problem, too, until I saw an old blog post that showed you can do this by creating an engine. I have one that says anything I add to the Dreamcatcher with dt at the start gets added immediately to my Daily Targets. Note that you will need to refresh your browser page to see it on the list. It works great!
Shauna VanderHoek commented
I agree! I need to add something that needs to be done today, but I don't want to go through the entire "start my day" process and have to redo the sorting I already did - especially as my list grows!
Cho Col Ate commented
Ups, that came out wrong and doesn't look like there's a way to edit it? Anyway, here the idea:
When I go to https://my.simpleology.com/#daily-targets I have my to do list for the day, but I can't just add a new task. However, during the day there are often new tasks that I want to add to the list. Right now I'd have to put that in the dreamcatcher, then through startmyday, and then to add it to the Daily Targets list. There should be an option to simply type in new daily targets to the list.