Better sorting options in Mental Lockbox.
Inside Mental Lockbox its very cumbersome to sort, remove, search for items. I have now 78 pages with items and its just painful to go through this information. This part of Simpleology is not effective..
1) Option to see at least 100 items per page
2) Options to mass remove, mass remind, mass categorize
3) Sorting otions that allow to go to last page, first page and also sort by added date.

enjoy :-)
Feel free to post your feedback on this blog post:
Wes Garwood commented
This is a great idea because I also end up with a lot of ideas sitting in the Mental Lockbox so I can focus on my Daily Tasks. One additional thought I have is to allow multiple items to be managed at one time. For instance, I may have 3 or 4 items in the Mental Lockbox that I want to work on next week. It would be nice to select all of them and set the reminder date all at once.
David Schneider commented
All 3 of Henrik's ideas would be extremely helpful if implemented. It would also be really great to be able to drag-sort the our items within our lockbox categories the same way we do in our Daily Targets List. It would help us prioritize and properly sequence the items that we choose to "deliberate" upon.
Also what about allowing us to sort our items by the reminder date we assign to them? That would automatically create a chronological sequence of items and would give us a clearer picture of our plan.
Johan Nilsson commented
Definitelyl agree. To be able to keep focused during the day I end up putting a lot of things in the Dream Catcher and then moving them to the mental dropbox for future reference. The main thing in the mental lockbox is to be able to quickly get an overview of the ideas that are there so that we quickly can choose the most important items.
That gets quite frustrating when there are only 10 items per page and we have to move through the pages. When I get to the first page I have forgotten what was on the first page and it is hard to prioritize what actions are most healthy right now.
Great tips from Henrik! :)