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709 results found

  1. multiple labels on tasks

    The tree model is an obsolete model, in my opinion. I would prefer to be able to asign no matter how many labels to a task, so I can retrieve it in several lists and reports (considering the Daily Targets a report from the DBMS point of view). This way, I would go further and be able to add several filters in the Daily Targets (I have seen this before, in the wish list, I think), this I would really appreciate! I would like to filter the information on the screen according to several criteria. From the GTD practice point…

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  2. Adding another tier in between Pro and Elite

    I am a broke grad student, that can't justify spending 47 dollars, but could spend like 15-20 for features like prioritize and others that could be included in like a "Pro Plus" tier to the system. Don't need all of the Elite functions, but would like more than what Pro has to offer.

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  3. Allow user to choose max tasks (up to "all") viewed per page in all views (esp dreamcatcher)

    Allow user to choose max tasks (up to "all") to view per page in all views (esp dreamcatcher)
    Similar to
    "Allow viewing 100 daily targets on single page instead of just 30"
    but why stop at 100?
    I'd like to be able to decide how many per page, all the way up to all :)

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  4. allow project entries to move into daily targets

    since simpleology 101 back in the mid 2000's, the concept is 'focus on your daily targets list; do not work other lists." Now we have projects, and in projects its not possible to say, "Hey I want this task in this project to be one of my targets for today?" Instead options are:
    cut/paste the text
    delegate the item to yourself, then use the followup feature to move it into daily targets.

    Both are clunky solutions.
    A better one would be to recognize that each day we review our ongoing projects, see which items would best be in our…

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  5. More functionality on Dashboard

    It would be nice if:

    1. I could interact with the items on my Dashboard. Simpleology items should allow me to add/delete/edit what's inside.
    2. If I can't do that, I should at least be able to jump to that section of Simpleology when I click on that box. (A Tracker box should bring me to that Tracker.)
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  6. Elite benefits

    For Elite members who have completed Simpleology Black Belt, all the learning modules should be available on demand. I realize there is a risk that others would take advantage of this benefit by sharing, but I would think that anyone who committed to becoming an Elite member and a Simpleology Black Belt would be given the benefit of the doubt.

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  7. Reminder / wake-up alarms for Rituals

    The new Rituals app is great but lacks one important feature - the ability to set an alarm to remind you to perform a feature. For early morning routines this could also function as a wake-up alarm.

    Alarms were included in the "routines" feature of the old Wimiki software and, as the Rituals app is in some ways a replacement and improvement on that, it would be nice to also include this feature in the mobile app.

    It would also be good to include some gentle/mellow alarm sounds (like birdsong) so that alarms used to wake up in the morning…

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  8. Provide a description field for Projects

    When I create a new project, I give it a short but descriptive title. However, the title itself does not contain nearly enough space to describe the project. I need to add more details about the project somewhere as both a reminder to myself or to other people involved in the project to keep us all on track. In project management literature this might be described as the "Project Vision".

    At the moment, I use a card to store this information but this is not a good use of that screen space or in keeping with the essential purpose of…

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  9. very simple. a star to use for priority task.

    I have several categories and a long list each day that makes the prioritizing a long task, as those priorities change in the week as well. Would you be so kind as to give us a star , that we can click on or off, to quickly signal the task for the day.

    1. Date of writing task in the side bar would be most appreciated as an additional button to quick check.

    Thanks for all your play and genius,

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  10. 2 votes

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  11. Add backward planner items at top

    The backward planner is supposed to develop the steps going backward, but the list adds at the bottom and ends up in reverse order.
    There is a suggestion to allow drag and drop to reorder, which is needed also, but the tasks could at least start out in the right order.

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  12. Regenerating Tasks

    I have a lot of small items to progress which depend on others. I can pick these up in Dream Catcher or Start My Day but I have a problem lonce they have been actioned.

    For example - I need to set a meeting. I place the call, cannot reach the recipient and leave a voice mail or send email.

    The task is 'done' but not done with.

    If I mark it done - I have to re-enter and if I leave it my Daily Targets get clogged up.

    What would be erally helpful would be an option to mark…

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  13. Add ability to move Daily Target items across pages

    the drag and drop of items in my DT list is great, however, it is limited when you get to the top or bottom of a list page. Adding paging to the DT list kept my browser happier, but stopped me from being able to move items freely when my list is longer than one page. A function to move an item to the top or bottom of the list would help solve this, or even to move up or down one (which could be in the overlay, or a hover-over on part of the item). I still want the…

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  14. Show date and allow sorting/ordering by date on completed and archived targets

    Show date and allow sorting/ordering by date on completed and archived targets

    As a user this allows me to look at what I completed Yesterday - and Last Week. This is very useful. Otherwise, it seems that completed targets are ordered in no logical way.

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  15. Start My Day several times

    Well, this is not a feature request. It is just a kind of email or a blog-comment-replacement to share an experience with you, guys.
    Your tool is a very good one, in my opinion. I am not the best client you ever had, because I still didn't achieve the habits I had to, but I am on my way. Now, this is the idea I wanted to tell you about:
    During the day, there are several events that are legitimately able to overwrite the priorities in my agenda, end they do. So, I drop them in my dreamcatcher, but not…

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  16. 3 votes

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  17. bitcoin as a payment option

    I got rid of my credit cards and have no plans to go back into that trap. But now I can't upgrade my Simpleology account. This got me thinking... and voila!

    It is universal (you can pay from Mars), easy (click, copy-paste, click), fast (services approve payments in minutes, if not seconds) and open to all (no one can decide whether I can buy any btc).

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  18. Android app typing

    Typing in the Android app is very weird. It doesn't use my regular autocorrect dictionary, so words come out strange. When I backspace to correct them, my cursor jumps around.

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  19. Added List not in Dropdown

    I am working through Day 11 of White Belt (for some reason I missed this on the first pass).

    I created the folder and the list.

    When I tried to move the Ender's Game item from Dream Catcher, the new Movies to Watch list doesn't show up in the Lists dropdown. I moved the item to another list and tried to move it from there to Movies to Watch in the Lists tab, but the list still isn't on the dropdown.

    Running in Chrome.

    Of course, drag and drop doesn't work either.

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  20. Ability to change colors of existing labels

    Yea for being able to create new labels in more appealing colors! It would be nice, though, if we could simply change the color existing labels are set to, rather than having to create new labels with the same name, delete the old label, and re-categorize everything.

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