Append project name to project tasks
During prioritziation of daily targets have the options overlay, so they can be deleted, made recurring, etc. · declined
Export Archive items · completed
Ability to have custom icons for shortcuts.
More unicorns
Have ability to track multiple measurements within one tracker.
move items between major focus backward planner lists
Filter labels to exclude
Trackers - Add daily cumulative total to the chart
On the Trackers Module For Time Measurement Allow for Hours Minutes and Seconds -
Please Correct the X Axis in Trackers
Provide an accountability owner for projects as well as cards and not only tasks.
OFFLINE version of Simpleology, please!! I love the concept, but can't be connected to the internet.
Q Create a way to archive lists so clear the board for current lists
Option to sort projects alphabetically · completed
Have a way to back up everything.
Android Task List Widget · completed
Using the 'Why' as a driving force
Please make a fully functioning mobile app for iOS!!
Fix The Wimiki Mobile application · declined