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Deciding “what to build next” is hard. Your voice is the most important element of our decision process. Don’t be shy – tell us what you want. But please look for the feature you want first, and if it’s already there, cast your vote. If not, start a new topic.

709 results found

  1. The ability to go back and review any belt level as a refresher (maybe once qualified Black Belt?)

    Sometimes being able to revisit a particular module for a refresher would be helpful!

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  2. Change the code so that the backwards planning order in stuff I want carries over correctly into the Major focus list

    When you move something from stuff i want to major focus, the order of the backwards planning action items does not stay the same. If I rearange the order of the specific items in the backwards planner, it doesn't get reflected in the Major focus list order.

    The result is that the specific things that need to be done for that major focus list are completely out of order and there is no way to change them.

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  3. Captions in videos

    Please enable captions in videos for accessibility to who cannot hear the audio, where audio is important and where visual is not self explaining, otherwise in the video place provide an alternative (like a pdf) that covers the video content. Thanks

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  4. epic

    Make the Chrome browser extension available for Epic browser which is the Chrome browser but the more private one.
    The basic system will be the same so I don't know technically if much does have to change for it to work on Epic.

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  5. what was done today?

    At the end of the day, I want to reconcile what did I PLAN to do (Do it now) versus What did I actually finish?

    It is nice to tick off as you progress, but still it have to be nice at day end to "view" what was your output actually?

    This also can form a "report" if you need to report to a manager what did you actually done TODAY - or in a date range?

    In financial terms - you work with BUDGET, ACTUAL & VARIANCE. Maybe it will be nice to see something like this - which…

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  6. View Start My Day Streak after completing SMD

    Occasionally (more often than not, but not always) when I click on the Streak tracker after completing training, or Start My Day the window goes blank. I refresh the browser window and am presented with the 'completed training' or the Daily Targets panel - from which when I select streak, the calendar appears. The browser (Chrome) reset is a nuisance - I wish the calendar would appear the first time I selected it after a training session or completing SMD.

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  7. Be able to pause AND restart a day's training in the middle.

    Because sometimes the phone rings...or there is an interruption like someone at the door, the boss stops by for a chat, or one has to use the facilities immediately.

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  8. 1 vote
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  9. Ability To Record Audio & Video In DreamCatcher To Catch Our Ideas

    Yes like in whats app, the ability to record a voice idea or video record something I need to look at later :)

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  10. Make it dyslexia friendly, the colours should be softer and not white background

    Colour is energy. if you add more colour harmony to your website this will affect the users motivation and easiness to read and the use of your website.

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  11. Ability to view all Tasks on all lists in the List View

    Being able to set up HIME view on tasks in a list is great. It would be useful though to be able to view and sort on all tasks across all lists on the one screen.
    Would highlight which list should be focussed on first to get ultimate maximum HIME.

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  12. Video tweaks

    Please allow stop/start of videos and also :rewind" or "replay" of sections of videos along the progress bar. That way we can hear the last few words or concept again without having to start the lesson waaaay from the beginning.

    Thank you.

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  13. Add social media features to Simpleology

    Social features on websites have a powerful ability to increase member recruitment, engagement and retention.

    Simpleology could become a social media platform for the personal self- and business-improvement niche space.

    It should not lose focus on the Start My Day and productivity management features - this would still remain front and center - but it would supplement them - the focus always being on those things.

    Before balking at the idea of another social media time sink or distraction, consider what a platform dedicated, and restricted to, helping people meet daily targets could do compared to Facebook and Twitter.


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  14. please fix legacy coursework

    opening any legacy coursework material opens a new window into "start my day" and nothing more. Not what it did 1-2 days ago.

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  15. Allow download of today's lesson

    I experience great difficulty with video playing on Simpleology and mostly will spend 2 x the video length waiting for it to load and play, involving lots of stopping and starting. I don't have this problem with any other streaming service (eg Netflix, Amazon, YouTube etc) and it's not browser dependent as I use Safari Chrome and Firefox. Very annoying and distracting. Yesterday's training video is available to download so one solution is for me to run my training a day in arrears but it would be better if I could simply download today's video and then watch it without…

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  16. Ability to reorder The Ben Franklin Habits

    I have added to, and taken away from, the Ben Franklin Habits to try and suit my taste/needs. The end result is their current order is not logical. The "Customize" option lacks the ability for me to reorder the habits. Please add this ability, as is the case in other parts of Simpleology.

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  17. why do you still use flash, it's not supported by its maker anymore

    flash isn't supported by its maker. Why do you need for trainings?

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  18. Notetaking guides

    It would be great to have a notetaking guide (printable PDF file) available for the Belt training videos. Not everyone is an auditory or kinesthetic learner. Others need to write things down or see the information in print form to be able to process the content and learn it effectively.

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  19. Add a 24 hour clock sine wave tracker for tracking circadian rhythms like a sleep cycle

    I've been learning how everyone has their own 90 minute sleep cycle and when they discover what it is, they will know when to go to bed and when to set their alarm to get up so that they get the most rejuvenating sleep and wake up alert instead of groggy (which they will feel groggy if they set the alarm for the wrong part of their sleep cycle.)

    This is a sine wave tracking, not a linear tracking.

    Since most people struggle with sleep, this could be a powerful tool for everyone, since they will slip into sleep in…

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  20. Access Trackers and Update The Tracker List From Mobile App

    I think it would be easy for us to access trackers from our mobile and update on the fly.

    If we can't update right on time. It becomes hard to add all stuff later.

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