Add social media features to Simpleology
Social features on websites have a powerful ability to increase member recruitment, engagement and retention.
Simpleology could become a social media platform for the personal self- and business-improvement niche space.
It should not lose focus on the Start My Day and productivity management features - this would still remain front and center - but it would supplement them - the focus always being on those things.
Before balking at the idea of another social media time sink or distraction, consider what a platform dedicated, and restricted to, helping people meet daily targets could do compared to Facebook and Twitter.
Consider how many people who hate Facebook and Twitter would like a more positive alternative. I would much rather spend my time on a Simpleology-centered social media platform than Facebook or Twitter any day.
As far as I am aware, no social media platform exists specifically in the personal and business improvement niche space so it would be a unique selling point and first place for Simpleology.
The following elements could be added to Simpleology to achieve this:
• Public profile for members (optionally private or friends only).
• Members can be called “Simpleologists” to give them a unique feel and status
• Status badges for Elite, Pro, Free membership levels.
• Status badges for training courses completed.
• Ability to follow/friend other Simpleologists
• Ability to post inspirational, positive text, image, video messages.
• Ability to like/vote up other Simpleologists’ posts
• Option to publish (to public or restricted to followers/friends) the following Simpleology personal data in profile:
◦ Start My Day streak size, longest ever streak
◦ No. of Tasks hit today.
◦ No. of Tasks hit per week/month/year (incl. averages, highest, etc.)
◦ Member’s Rituals (importable into other members’ accounts).
◦ Member’s Projects (make free to import, or integrate with Simpleology Project Marketplace).
◦ Trackers (importable into other members’ accounts).
◦ Lists (importable into other members’ accounts).
• Add / invite other Simpleologists to member’s Projects direct from their profile.
• Integrate with affiliate programme.
• Ability to be inspired and improved by many Simpleology members, not just one (super awesome) person.
• New member recruitment, engagement and retention.
• Incentivize improving one’s own life and/or business.
• Incentivize helping others to do the same.
• Incentivize promoting Simpleology to others – both to connect to existing friends on a positive, inspirational social platform (instead of Twitter and Facebook) and/or to benefit from the affiliate programme (perhaps restrict affiliate programme to Pro and Elite level members to limit abuse)
• Incentivize the purchase of Simpleology memberships
• Incentivize the purchase of Simpleology training courses.
• Incentivize the publishing and purchase of Simpleology Projects.

Mark Jones commented
Adding to / revising the above:
Here's what I was thinking with the above. It's just some blue sky thinking which might not appeal to everyone.
For Elite/Pro members only:
- option to create a public profile (or keep private/followers only).
- can post status messages/posts on profile - Pro/elite members will likely post more inspirational messages or about business activities but, if it's too spammy or negative, people will not follow so spam is not profitable. Making this for Elite members will reduce spam and trolling abuse.
- messages have only like buttons - no dislike or other reactions - to maintain positivity
- option to turn comments on or off for own posts.
- power to moderate comments on own posts
- profile link to their own Simpleology Project page
- profile badges for Elite/Pro statusSocial features will draw in big names & high profile people along with their followers who will become Simpleology members and have an incentive to upgrade membership.
For everyone:
- option to create a public profile and follow others (but no ability to post own status messages unless Pro/Elite)
- option to show or hide Simpleology stats (e.g. longest streak, number of tasks completed, trackers, etc.), importable lists and rituals
- option to follow Pro/Elite members, like and comment posts (unless blocked)
- a private feed showing posts from followed Pro/Elite members.With these features, Simpleology could be positioned in the marketplace (in addition to being a brilliant productiviy tool) a social space designed to *increase* productivity/positivity rather than suck it dry like Facebook, Twitter, etc.
This idea may not be practical or desirable for Simpleology itself, in which case, perhaps it could be an idea for a separate service someone else could run with that integrates with the Simpleology API.
Mark Jones commented
I would change the title to "Add social features to Simpleology" as the purpose is not to turn it into a "media company" but just to add some social features to Simpleology to support the primary Simpleology goal.