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709 results found

  1. Allow non-simpleology user to add to dream catcher (via SMS/Email)

    I currently have my wife's email/phone registered on my account, so she can send me items she needs me to do. Issue is, if she was to try to register for Simpleology, It wouldn't allow her as it would say it was registered. Nice if system had a place to register phone/emails of "others authorized" to add to dream catcher and then if they actually sign up, it would simply add them to contacts or whatever.

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  2. Integrate Hime spreadsheet into Daily tasks to help with Prioritization

    It seems redundant to have to place items into a second spreadsheet when I am already constructing a list. Having the Hime score as a drop down and an auto calc and sort may help me to organize my day even more efficiently!

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  3. Automated reminder to followup a delegated task

    When delegating a task, add the possibility to set automated reminder to you to followup at a date of your choice.

    The idea of "Dreamcatcher" is to give your mind a break from ideas floating around and let you concentrate in your actual work of the moment. Delegating takes away a work load, but the worry of following delegated tasks becomes a distraction.

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  4. Start My Day several times

    Well, this is not a feature request. It is just a kind of email or a blog-comment-replacement to share an experience with you, guys.
    Your tool is a very good one, in my opinion. I am not the best client you ever had, because I still didn't achieve the habits I had to, but I am on my way. Now, this is the idea I wanted to tell you about:
    During the day, there are several events that are legitimately able to overwrite the priorities in my agenda, end they do. So, I drop them in my dreamcatcher, but not…

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  5. More functionality on Dashboard

    It would be nice if:

    1. I could interact with the items on my Dashboard. Simpleology items should allow me to add/delete/edit what's inside.
    2. If I can't do that, I should at least be able to jump to that section of Simpleology when I click on that box. (A Tracker box should bring me to that Tracker.)
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  6. 2 votes

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  7. Postpone several items on my list to a particular day simultaneously.

    During Start My Day, I would like to postpone several items on my list to a particular day simultaneously.

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  8. I would like to have a focus on buttons like [OK] or [Set] in dialogues so that I can confirm with [Enter]. This would speed things up!

    When in Daily Targets, I often need to put thins into "Do later" and input a date or confirm an old date. Well, a quick press on "Enter" would help a lot, if there were a focus on the button. There are many such dialogues which could be improved this way!

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  9. C.V. update list

    Daily I mark some tasks as completed. Some of the completed tasks are special (e.g. give a talk) and I would like to add them to my C.V.. It would be great if I could get a list of such completed tasks with the date in which they were completed. To make this possible I should be able to mark a task as C.V. material when I mark it as completed. When I decide to update my C.V. I use the list and empty it.

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  10. sub-folders for lists

    When creating lists, I would like the ability to have sub-folders for better organization of ideas.

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  11. Create an aditional step for start my day wizard after deliberating Activities

    After deliberating, deliberated activities will show at bottom. After click "next" should get a new step to review the deliberated dates. Today I click on "next" without reviewing the deliberated dates and afterwards I 've to check these dates on the List/ do it later activities. is not convenient

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  12. Smart Email BCC - Link Emails to Projects

    PipeDrive had this feature I used a while ago, it was a special BCC email address that if the subject was a contact in PipeDrive, it recorded the email message in our log.

    I find myself wasting time copying and pasting emails into the comments of Simpleology Projects Cards.

    I wish... all correspondence that I wanted in the Card of a Project I am working on with someone I can just do something like add in my email bcc box:

    ts-ly-website - I created when I created the bcc address for the card

    so somehow on the card:

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  13. 2 votes

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  14. It would be helpful to have a rewind and fast forward in the videos. It Saves time to go back to the item instead of watch it all over again

    If I am confused about what was said. I do not need to watch the whole video again. I only need to rewind a tiny bit to hear it again. ALSO: I would like to be able to SPEED UP the Videos so I can get through them more quickly. Both of these items are TIME SAVERS. It would make the Learning Process More SIMPLE!

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  15. Recurring Tasks should appear on Daily Targets automatically without having to move them from another list

    I'm fairly new to the habit of using Simpleology on a daily basis. I thought that when I set a "recurring" task, it would appear on my daily targets, but it doesn't… it goes to another list and I have to set it again. Please, make recurring tasks to appear automatically on My Daily Targets… Thanks.

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  16. Be able to watch past videos in the same belt

    Sometimes I would like to instead of going to the next day training to have the option to repeat the day as many times as necessary. Sometimes I am not paying attention to the video and repeating it the next day would helpful.

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  17. Not require elite account for prioritize feature

    I think it's ridiculous to require elite account for the prioritize feature. That's a basic feature. I really turns me off from wanting to use simpleology as my go to solution moving forward.

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  18. End My Day Review: Tasks Not On List Done

    At the end of the day sometimes our tasks aren't done, and the question becomes, why not? Did the tasks we set out to accomplish take longer than expected? Did we spend too much time playing video games? Or did we end up doing x other tasks? At the end of the day give us the ability to enter what we actually did that day. We can then evaluate "what went wrong" with our day and how we can mitigate this problem in the future...

    In many cases there are others I report to or who can enter into my…

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  19. Add items directly to my Daily Targets.

    I often think of things i want to get done TODAY after i finish Start My Day. Adding immediate items like these to Dream Catcher means I have to re-do Start My Day to get them to show on Daily Targets.

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  20. Option to add multi-selected recurring tasks below task list in Start My Day

    When doing start my day with recurring tasks, I multi-select tasks and then add them to the my list. About 1/2 the time I select the tasks, then hit "Next" forgetting to scroll back up to the top and click the checkmark that would add them to my list.

    I would like to see something to Add selected items to the list between the bottom of the recurring tasks box and the "Next" to go to the next part of Start My Day.

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