Deciding “what to build next” is hard. Your voice is the most important element of our decision process. Don’t be shy – tell us what you want. But please look for the feature you want first, and if it’s already there, cast your vote. If not, start a new topic.
709 results found
You can seperate the Dreams catcher and daily Target into Day by day to Follow and Check it
I want to see My different Targets of Daily Dreams in my Following Archives or Libraries in Seperated Sequently days as a Done-list in my Calendar
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Bug in Start My Day
At the delegation step I realized that a task needed further preparation from me. Instead of doing it right away I wanted to reclassify it as "do it now" in order to finish start my day in a timely manner.
I hit the back button inside the app.
All tasks had to be decided again. (could be improved as well)
Selected the specific task I did not want to delegate anymore and selected "do it now".
Hit next
And was being forwarded to the delegation station with the exact same task I reclassified.Suggestions:
Solution 1: Allow reclassification of "do…3 votes -
3 votes
Talking Timers
Talking timers that give you a voice customized to ask, "are you working on ______ task?" every few minutes or custom increment of time. Have it as a naggy popup, too. Please integrate Simpleology into Jira, please.
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Allow multiple comments per task, or allow editing comments
Most task managers that allow comments on a task allow for more than one comment. This is useful for managing a task where multiple people are working, updating a task with new information, and marking down when something has been accomplished on a task. At the very least, we should have the ability to edit existing comments and add new information, correct spelling errors, etc. As it stands, you can add one comment, never edit or change it, and only one person can comment. Comments would be much more useful if you could add more than one.
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In-app Notification System for Projects
I want to have a notification tab where I can see what updates has been made inside of the project, comments made, cards status updates etc.
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Threaded comment system inside for project cards
The way comments work inside of the cards is messy, especially if you have several users posting about different issues. I need the ability to create a thread for each comment so that we keep the conversation around that topic in one place.
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Implement HIME on the Do It Later List
Please make the HIME tool available on Do It Later List so that one can independently examine that list for "Do It" vs. "Dump It" actions. Would also ensure that Do It Later tasks are tackled in a manner that fits the HIME method.
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Deleted Folder
During reviews, I found it helpful to know what tasks and targets I have decided to delete and when. This gives me more information when reflecting on how my priorities and habits changed.
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Make tracker totals visible on dashboard
Tracker totals are now available on the trackers page. Please make the tracker total (monthly or period selected) visible on the dashboard, when trackers are added to it.
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Be able to see subtasks on mobile devices.
When I create subtasks on my desktop, I can't view them on my cell phone. I use subtasks for checklists or protocol steps. Without seeing them on mobile devices, subtasks are really worthless, especially since most of us are on our phones these days.
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Advanced Daily Targets - Split by Work/Personal or Projects
Add the ability to have up to 5 Daily Target lists so that someone could split their daily targets between work and personal, or by project up to 5 projects. That way, folks can work on a different target list at different times of day and block out blocks of time to do that.
3 votes -
Isn't this was is says on the package? hello. Im confused and came to to simplify my life. like where is the videos? How do I watch them. Iv just signed in can't find my away around anything. don't know how many thing I got asked to sign up for that all added up to one package. seems a bit to complicated sales tactics for a platforms that trying to simplify life?
I still don't know what I have to do, as I sign in it goes straight to a dash board that I have no clue what I have…3 votes -
Ability to Combine Lists
In the event that a list has the same data points, and we accidentally created 2 lists, it would be convenient to be able to simply combine the 2 lists into 1.
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Allow us to do more than one day of course content at a time.
Right now I'm starting Juggernaut and the lessons are so short, I don't feel like I'm accomplishing much each day. Please allow us to advance more quickly by completing more than one lesson each day.
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Make doing tasks a game - gamify Simpleology Tasks
Successful game designers - those have millions of users have done a good job of hijacking the brains of their users. I was playing Gardenscape by Playrix on the bank holiday and it made me think of it. They have all kinds of tricks to make you come back and play and when you start playing to keep you playing more and more. I'd like to see some gamifying into Simpleology to make it fun and to give rewards and think about how you can get people to continue with tasks/come back daily to do streaks of work and to…
3 votes -
When scheduling tasks, instead of deleting them from the system, move to a list called 'Scheduled Tasks'
When scheduling tasks, instead of deleting them from the system, move to a list called 'Scheduled Tasks'
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Store user passwords as encrypted
I just requested a new simpleology password as I had forgotten it. Instead of being sent a password rset link, as is the best security practice for any website, I got re-sent my old password in plain text. This means that Simpleology website stores it's user passwords in plain text, which is vulnerable to 'internal' abuse, and also extremely dangerous if the simpleology site is ever hacked, or data is improperly secured or leaked. Please start storing passwords in encrypted form (ideally hashed and salted as best industry practice), and if a user forgets a password, send them a reset…
3 votes -
List to printoout with checkboxes
Drive the list to a google doc with checkoff boxes
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Create a sync / integration option with Google Tasks
Create a sync / integration option with Google Tasks. This will allow people to use their calendars (whether Google, Outlook, etc.) to see tasks as they are easy to attach to Google. You could create categories in Google Tasks that match the ones on Simpleology.
Additionally instead of transferring scheduled item to one’s calendar the task can just be dated (and will appear in calendar) but still reviewed and reconsidered the day it comes up.3 votes
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