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436 results found

  1. Be able to set categories for recurring tasks OR send them through the engines before adding them to the Daily Targets list

    When I select recurring tasks to do today in Start My Day, I have to set the category for each of them every day. When one creates a recurring task, it doesn't hold on to the category, and when I try to put a prefix on a recurring task that's set up in my engines to put the task in a category, it doesn't happen when the recurring task is selected.

    It's annoying to have to set these every day!

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    Start My Day > Recurring Tasks has been updated to retain the Labels you have set.

    Not yet applied but in development, we will soon include the ability to see the Recurring Tasks with Labels before you copy them to your Brainstorm / Daily Targets list. That should help with quick decision making.

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  3. very scary for something moved to calendar to be completely dropped.

    What about "projects" where it will take multiple days? Also would
    like a list of what was moved to a calendar so I know I thought of it in simpleology and am acting on it.

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  4. Allow us to attach documents to actions, tasks, targets; this would allow project management

    If we could simply attach documents this would allow for a "team" interface to manage projects and workflows across teams

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  5. To be able to activate/deactivate certain features to be part of Start My Day

    As part of 'Start My Day' you may or may not wish to do things such as 'Ben Franklin Habits' or 'Financial Growth' or 'Observe & Change'. The ability to switch some of these things off may benefit those who just wish to complete certain activities

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  6. Skip pages with no actions

    I very seldom have items to schedule - I use reminders function - and have no one to delegate to. Can system automatically skip those screens and their subsequent "Next" clicks?

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    We’ve just applied an update to Start My Day that now recognizes how many tasks you have in your Brainstorm list and skips “blank” or “empty” Start My Day steps that do not have tasks to process.

    This update is only true if you are NOT going through “Do Today’s Training”. If you are going through “Do Today’s Training”, to accommodate the lessons / presentations of the training, the “blank” or “empty” steps will not be skipped.

    Check it out and let us know what you think.

  7. Keep the targets in the same order when exporting or printing

    Its really hideous that when I export the items or try to print the system shuffles them, the whole idea of prioritizing goes away when we do this

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  8. I'd like to be able to arrange my daily targets list in the order I'd like to accomplish them

    'd like to be able to arrange my daily targets list in the order I'd like to accomplish them

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  9. 1 vote

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  10. Export List - Email or SMS

    Ability to send list to email or SMS, like we can our Daily Targets. Especially good for shopping lists. :)

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  11. drawing lesson

    on videos like on the simpleology 3

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  12. ability to delete engines

    ability to delete engines

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  13. Recurring reminders nested within a list

    I'm doing the green belt training: mastering lists. I've never been able to work out how to do something and was hoping this training would cover it but it doesn't.

    What I am trying to do is create a list that has recurring items within it but not show up as individual recurring task items.
    I've created my list: Birthdays.
    Within that list I want to have a sublist of dates that will recur on an annual basis with a scheduled reminder.
    I have got around this by creating a task per date, setting it as a recurring one, and…

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  14. Combine Major Focus With Stuff I Want

    Combine Major Focus with Stuff I Want and it would be a lot easier of keeping track of what I am actually striving for.

    We all have goals we want to accomplish now but we have so many other goals we have in mind.

    I suggest we combine it and set as many focuses/stuff i want and allow to be a short term goal, mid, or long. and of course have a backwards planner and or mind map to help further the goal.

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  15. 1 vote

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  16. 3 votes

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  17. Should be able to make sub-task templates for recurring sub-task lists on various projects

    Is there a way to create templates of recurring sub-tasks for projects/tasks we are looking to do?

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  18. Deliberate Tasks back on Start My day List not on Do It Later List


    Now I know this can be done by going into the "Do It Now" list and manually moving them over, but is it possible that it can be automated?


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    Apologize as we may not be reading your request correctly, but how we under stand your request is this …

    - You’re on the Decide step of Start My Day and you’ve deliberated items (that you just won’t get to today, or maybe ever).

    - If you do nothing more and continue with Start My Day, your items are retained in Start My Day.

    - Tomorrow when you perform Start My Day you would like the items you deliberated to again be available for processing.

    If we have the above correct, our current system will actually meet you half way on this request, with the other half being something you may not have considered.

    When you’re on the Decide step of Start My Day and you’ve deliberated items, you have the option to select where the item will be stored; one of your custom lists, or by default the…

  19. Allow to go back to the training of a certain belt or even better, a particular day of a certain belt

    Even after I complete training for each belt, I may not use all the good features which are mentioned in the training videos daily. But once a while, I would like to be able to visit the training to re-learn the tricks.

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