Deliberate Tasks back on Start My day List not on Do It Later List
Now I know this can be done by going into the "Do It Now" list and manually moving them over, but is it possible that it can be automated?

Apologize as we may not be reading your request correctly, but how we under stand your request is this …
- You’re on the Decide step of Start My Day and you’ve deliberated items (that you just won’t get to today, or maybe ever).
- If you do nothing more and continue with Start My Day, your items are retained in Start My Day.
- Tomorrow when you perform Start My Day you would like the items you deliberated to again be available for processing.
If we have the above correct, our current system will actually meet you half way on this request, with the other half being something you may not have considered.
When you’re on the Decide step of Start My Day and you’ve deliberated items, you have the option to select where the item will be stored; one of your custom lists, or by default the Do It Later system list. You also have the option to set a reminder date; a date that the item will re-appear in Start My Day for processing.
In Decide “guided mode”. once you decide to deliberate an item you should clearly see drop-down menus for selecting where you would like to store the item, as well as an input field for setting a reminder date. In Decide “expert mode”, you will have to hover your mouse cursor over the deliberated items to see/access the drop-down menus and date select field.
Back to meeting your request …
When you decide to deliberate an item that you would actually like to get back to, set a reminder date. Then, on or after the date set, the deliberated item will re-appear in Start My Day for processing (just like you’re requesting).
The reason deliberated items do not automatically re-appear in Start My Day by default is, after time, you could end up with hundreds, even thousands of items to process daily — most of which will likely not be something you’ll actually do today. To address this, we ask you, the User, to set a reminder date so that only those items you actually need to re-appear in Start My Day, will. The remaining items will not. Saving everyone processing power / mental ram.
Hope that helps and gives you what you’re looking for.
Lauren Smith commented
How about having an additional option to check on the planning page to include items from do it later or not. That way on busy days you are only having to plan and prioritise the immediate items but on slower days you can take some items easily from your backlog
chris megede commented
I very much agree with this. It took me several days before I figured out my tasks were in a seperate list.
Robert Hemmerdinger commented
I agree with this 100% and posted a similar request which I will remove.
Christopher Greene commented
I absolutely agree with this. It would be more convenient to have it stream lined back to the source screen instead of needing to navigate and re-add everything from the "Do It Later" box.