Skip pages with no actions
I very seldom have items to schedule - I use reminders function - and have no one to delegate to. Can system automatically skip those screens and their subsequent "Next" clicks?

We’ve just applied an update to Start My Day that now recognizes how many tasks you have in your Brainstorm list and skips “blank” or “empty” Start My Day steps that do not have tasks to process.
This update is only true if you are NOT going through “Do Today’s Training”. If you are going through “Do Today’s Training”, to accommodate the lessons / presentations of the training, the “blank” or “empty” steps will not be skipped.
Check it out and let us know what you think.
Donna Manley commented
I agree. This should be a really quick enhancement. Every day, I have two blank pages (schedule and delegate). Maybe I just don't know how to turn them off yet.