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  1. Improve Start My Day Flow  ·  completed

  2. Choose some completed Start My Day items to delete, others to archive

  3. Categories for Deliberate

  4. Display trackers in multiple chart styles. ie bar chart, pie chart, etc

  5. Implement a way to input and track unexpected "sub-tasks" that inevitably arise (i.e.  ·  completed

  6. Streamline calendar entries in Google Calendar

  7. Juggernaut Academy

  8. Link projects or daily targets with other services (Evernote, Google Drive, etc)

  9. Store user passwords as encrypted

  10. Make "do it later" button in Daily Targets actually send the task to the "Do it later" list  ·  completed

  11. Ability to send stuff from do it later to stuff i want

  12. Would it be more productive to do these webcasts once a week and answer 3 questions?  ·  completed

  13. Ability to keep some tasks visible regardless of "color"  ·  completed

  14. Subtasks and comments in the other sections where editing tasks is possible (not just daily targets)

  15. Schedule It: Time select slider would be faster to use in 5 minute increments.

  16. Tag cloud instead or as well as the list of labels

  17. Hi, Mark. Since you are tracking the number of uses to the Simpleology new user anyway, it would be easy to add a 10 or 15 second custom "in

  18. observe and change

  19. Fill in gaps to have Simpleology be a more perfect implementation of David Allen's Getting Things Done methodology. It's so close already!  ·  completed

  20. Need a way to organize projects  ·  completed

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