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709 results found

  1. Review Belt Lessons. Be able to go back and solidify a habit if having trouble implementing the new task consistently.

    I would love to be able to go back and stay in a "belt level" until I felt that I had really mastered the idea. I love all the belts and I think the pacing, for the most part, is good. However, I've found myself off and on wishing I could go back for a day to the concept I'm struggling to cement and get walked through via the video to solidify the habit before I tried to add more to my plate.

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  2. New Widget or Function - Axioms

    I've found when creating daily targets I'll often have a thought that isn't particularly actionable, but rather a sentiment or pearl of wisdom that I would like to review later. Would be great if there were a dedicated button included next to the Do It Now and Delegate buttons that labeled something as an Axiom or philosophy.

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  3. Choose some completed Start My Day items to delete, others to archive

    When I finish Start My Day items, I'd like to be able to mark SOME of them for archiving and to delete others. For example "pick up suit at cleaners" doesn't need later reference: DELETE. But something that is part of a larger project would be usefully ARCHIVED so I could later double-check the stages of progress in research or development. This could be done with the check-boxes--checking all the items to delete (or archive) at once

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  4. Ability to create lists on the fly

    when doing start my day it would be nice to be able to create new lists from within lists dropdown box (instead of having to leave page and go to lists)

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  5. ad tags to any record. and simple srch/edit around them. to find important just looking at record not reading it all to find its importance

    ad tags to any record. and simple srch/edit around them. to find important just looking at record not reading it all to find its importance

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  6. Integrate Simpleology with Mindjet Mindmanager

    Mindjet is the best Mindmapping software out there, we should be able to go back and forth with Simpleology. There are myriad applications here.

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  7. Integrate with Microsoft OneNote for note-taking and idea logging

    OneNote is an incredible note-taking system. If Simpleology could interface with OneNote, it would allow people to brainstorm ideas, make notes on projects and tasks, etc. The feature would send Simpleology tasks to OneNote. A OneNote add-on would allow items to be transferred to Simpleology as a DT, list or other part of the system.

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  8. When you choose to schedule an item, allow the user to choose whether or not to delete the item from the daily task lists.

    Even though I carefully schedule my day each day, the nature of my work requires me to shift my priorities. If I schedule something and then don't complete it, I lose it from my task list and have to re-enter it later. I would like the option to schedule an item but have the task stay in my Daily Targets.

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  9. 1 vote

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  10. When marking a Focus as complete, associated incompleted tasks should not be automatically deleted without warning.

    I had a Major Focus that had several Backward Planner items attached. Some of these BP items were completed but some remained in my Daily Targets list and some it Do It Later.

    When I marked the Major Focus complete I deliberately left some tasks in Daily Targets list as I had largely completed the main objective of the target but I wanted to finish up the remaining tasks later and had decided that they were not essential to the main Major Focus task.

    However, these remaining tasks (created using the Backward Planner and attached to the Major Focus) were…

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  12. "Stuff I Want" is great... but I'd personally love it if goals were specifically categorized according to more specific areas of life.

    "Stuff I Want" is great... but I'd personally love it if goals were specifically categorized according to more specific areas of life:

    *Health, Wellness, and Fitness (e.g. mental, physical, spiritual)
    *Pastimes and Recreational (e.g. vacay, sports, hobbies)
    *Career (including education and vocation)
    *Charitible Contributions (e.g. tithes, charities, etc)
    *Financial (e.g. income, investments, etc.)
    *Relationship (e.g. with love partner, family, friends, in the workplace)
    *Personal (e.g. Stuff I want to have... Things I want to do... Who I want to be)

    When planning my goals, I think this will make it easier to list the goals in specific categories. That way,…

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  16. Enable training to start within 24 hours. I don't always start with my training at the same time. For example one day I might do it at 6:30

    Enable training to start within 24 hours. I don't always start with my training at the same time. For example one day I might do it at 6:30 and the next I might start at 5:45. However if i start earlier one day then I have to repeat yesterday's training. If it were to let you do the next training day after 12 hours that would be better - or even 20 hours. It's a bit of a pain having to wait to do the next day's training as I like to do simpleology training and start my day before…

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  18. Be able to enter audio recordings into the dream catcher

    Some of us are musicians/poets and would love to be able to vocalize a melody/lyrics/idea/prose into the dream catcher somehow. That would make my life complete :o)

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  19. Filter by label in the lists/ do it later views

    Makes sense to filter out lists & do it later by labels. Currently it is quite complicated and time consuming to search through them. I am especially thinking about the ability to quickly add dream with engine which applies chosen labels and then to quickly search/ filter them out when needed.

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  20. Create a Celebration feature, button or animation for targets achieved. JR

    Celebration is fuel for more success. Let's celebrate graphically our wins when we complete a task.

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