Deciding “what to build next” is hard. Your voice is the most important element of our decision process. Don’t be shy – tell us what you want. But please look for the feature you want first, and if it’s already there, cast your vote. If not, start a new topic.
709 results found
Create Rollback Feature for Tasks and Projects That Lose Date
Sometimes data is lost. I have had tasks with a significant amount of notes in the comments suddenly disappear. A rollback feature on the tasks would be useful.
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Dreamcatcher to email, text messages, customer service request, etc.
Many times, I don't want to send directly to any of these places. I'd like to capture a thought on my phone (which i use sparingly) then when I'm back home, I can tweak and then send to e-mail, text or to you guys!
PS. This probably exists, I just don't know how to access it?
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1 vote
Have a subtask total instead of an icon to see at a glance if anything is left to do
If a task has several subtasks, currently you open the task to see what is left to action. Having a total visible instead of the blue icon would be clearer and more efficient. Example 3/10
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Accomplishments list
I've done 745 tasks using Simpleology to date. Since all tasks are categorized, it's important to know and report to clients what I've accomplished on their accounts. Having an Accomplishments list will allow me to enter a date range, sort tasks by category, and report accomplishments. Presto!
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the audio quality of
In the audio sounds like it was recorded via the telephone, very metallic and weak, and then, after 15 seconds a background music is heard, and it masks the talking...
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Add A Visual Calendar-Like List Horizontal Icon App That You can see all of your lists
The idea is that you can see your lists and click on them and arrange them as small boxes - as icons so that you can then know which list has the highest priority - sort of like a sticky note group of lists - maybe something like this could be integrated with Microsoft or Evernote sticky notes to bringing people to do certain tasks, then removing the notes and showing the progress with a progress bar and seeing it in the archives of Simpleology.
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A year-calendar overview
I'm managing projects that take place over months and years ahead. I'd like to get an overview of them: a year-calendar overview.
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Integrate with Microsoft To Do
Integrate with Microsoft To Do
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Printable "Do It Now" page with check boxes and space for brief notes to side of each item
It would be helpful to have something printable that can be on the desk or on the run that is a quick reminder of what needs to be completed for the day.
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Incorporate Rituals on the Web (or iOS) into Mobile Lists
Add Rituals into mobile lists options
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Offer angel investors looking for ideas
I have a billion dollar idea but not the capital - match me with an investor that doesn't want to ***** me and will listen and help and hopefully invest.
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1 vote
Mass Change Reminder Dates When categorizing items as deliberate
I would love the ability to mass change reminder dates when categorizing items as deliberate. That way i don't have to change one by one
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Add the export feature to the delegation station just like the one that's on the daily targets list
This would be very helpful if I could export delegated tasks with a click of a button and be able to print off a "To Do" list for my employees with little effort.
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Have a "Cheat Sheet" of all the shortcuts in SO
There are so many great shortcuts in Simpleology. It would be great to have a sheet of all the shortcuts for reference.
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Links on the Ritual App No Long Work, When Did You Decide To Pull The Plug?
Bring The Ritual Back To Its Original State
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Projects Scheduling
Simpleology is great until one gets to projects. I undertand that you have to assign them to myself or someone in order to be able to schedule them, But if you Enable scheduling Projects. if you could have a timeline also to keep track it will be amazing,
TIME BOXING ABILITY is an amazing feature, where you can change your schedule on the fly.What the capability of projects is now is really limited. and I don't see that it can have interaction with other programs via zapier.
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1 vote
Add Original Date to HIME section
when doing HIME can we please add the orginal date that they task was created as a option ?
1 vote
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