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709 results found

  1. The same lesson every day! You are killing me now. It takes so much time and I just want to get to work.

    By day three of the training, I am annoyed. I want to get to work and I have to do the lesson AGAIN. Synopsis after day three perhaps. I have now abandoned the training and just get my targets done but now it seems that I have lost my "streak", which is unfortunate because I do check in daily.

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  2. negative values for trackers

    needed to track difference between expected and actual values.

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  3. Allow expanding of tasks and its sub tasks in the Apple Ap

    The lists in the apple ap does not allow us to see the sub tasks. It would be grand if it did and would save tons of time.

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  4. Add a Way to ShareProjects

    Id love for my business partner and future team members to be able to have their own personal dashboard, but also we’d be on a team account so we could all be working on the same projects.

    The security on projects can be set, the people involved in that project added and a place to cross things off, add files and comment. (Like the dashboard...only way better...because it’s Simpleology.

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  5. A more predominant color of today on the set reminder calendar.

    A more predominant color of today on the set reminder calendar.

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  6. Change Big Rock/Little Rock "Difficulty" to "Ease" to be consistent with HI-ME "Ease." Current set up causes confusion and lost time.

    I typically use Big Rock/Little Rock on days I am short on time and HI-ME on days I have extra time to process my targets. I tend to forget that for Big Rock/Little Rock, easiness is on the left and on HI-ME easiness is on the right. This required shift in focus has caused me to lose time many times redoing the ratings after realizing the mistake. Using the same consistent pattern will ensure a simpler process, less time wasted and a better experience.

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  7. Training SPECIFIC to the "Pro" version

    I have been through the "Belts" and Juggernaut multiple times, and I still am not getting the value of paying for Pro. I'm a solopreneur, so Elite is way to inefficient (can't make full use of it). Training that zeros in on "here is exactly HOW to maximize your Pro experience" would be super-useful.
    I'm currently thinking of ditching Pro and going back to free because I'm not seeing the value, despite how much training, repetition and experience I have on the system. PLEASE show me HOW to make it worth it to stick with Pro for another year!

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  8. Have a way to prioritize systems, like with color categories

    I have a ton of reoccurring systems, but I want them to be pre-categorized before I add them to start my day.

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  9. Allow Daily Targets to be made a task or subtask under an existing card in an existing project

    It would be great if daily targets could easily be made into a task or subtask under an existing card in an existing project, instead of converting automatically into a new card in the existing project.

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  10. Change the date of all systems simultaneously

    I have a million systems and they are bogging down my average day. I would like to move them all to a later date so I can deal with them at a later time.

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  11. Allow use of the "Options overlay" in the lists on the dashboard

    The dashboard is a superb tool. It would be great to be able to use the Options overlay while staying in the dashboard. Save time and stay focus on the big picture.

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  12. trash list for deleted items to remain for some number of days before deleted permanently

    when items are deleted, instead of purging them completely, put them in a 'trash' or 'deleted' list, to be purged in 5-30 days.

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  13. Trackers in the Dashboard

    It'd be great to see the Summary stats for the date range selected. i.e. # data points, total and average.

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  14. Add the ability to search on Simpleology features, both how to go them and how to use them.

    Example: Search on "Engines". Get taken to instructions on creating and using Engines.

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  15. Daily Targets: When list is more than 30 items, allow page 2 items to move to pg1

    When adding quick items (on the right) to go directly to Daily Targets, it's always placed at the end of the list - which is fine. But if there are items on page 2, and this new item takes immediate priority - it can't be placed on top of the list on page 1.
    As a matter of fact, nothing on page 2 can be moved to page 1.
    This is a very necessary feature (wonder why it's not already possible).
    Kinda like how Netflix's DVD queue allows a choice to be moved to #1

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  16. Button-link access to Post and/or Read Support "Tickets"

    It SHOULD be very Easy to Submit a Help/Support Request/"Ticket" and to Find/see the current status (pending) or Response.

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  17. Dashboard for managing color labels saves time!

    I don't know about you, but I often loose time trying to change & update my existing labels, without deleting the on existing to-do's. What can help: a dashboard for managing all your labels, where you can change (1) the order of appearance (2) names and (3) colors - without having to delete them - with maybe even some additional cool features you guys think of.

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  19. Delegated tasks should go directly to the morning brainstorm.

    It would be much more efficient to have the delegated tasks appear in your morning brainstorm everyday where you can accept, decline, set due date, prioritize, etc. Remembering to go to the Delegation Station is redundant and much of the time delegated tasks are missed or forgotten. The Delegation Station and delegating task would function much like the Dreamcatcher in that way.

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  20. Rotation on the vision board

    I love the vision board. I'd love to be able to rotate images on the board for more dynamic positioning

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