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709 results found
Put the next action -next item- from a list on the start my day list
Enable a type of list (maybe called project list) where you can enter a series of tasks as items. As each one is completed the next one on the list shows up in the start my day list for planning.
You can either schedule it to do today or do it later with a reminder (schedule date)
This lets me plan a series of tasks to complete a project and then uses the start my day process / reminder feature to schedule them.
I don't want to use the reminder feature on its own as I am scheduling dynamically -…
2 votes -
Allow affiliate Coaching upgrade.
Let me build my own tribe so can integrate into social network and drive affiliates to and create accountability strength in numbers. There is a possible integration.
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Labels: please show in the filter of the daily targets only those labels that are there
I love labels. And I think they would even be better if the filter of the daily targets would only show those labels that are actually used on that day and only those labels which still have non-completed tasks in them.
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Add checkbox options to view alternate sorts in FreeForm Priority mode
After using HIME, I like to reprioritize options that scored at the same level using freeform method. It would help to be able to see the HIME score while in freeform mode.
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Your prioritization method is for sorting non essential items. Simpleology needs a MUST do list on top separate and above your HIME sort.
Your prioritization method is for sorting non essential items. What you have to do may be easy or difficult but it must be done and in a specific order to succeed. Simpleology needs a MUST do list on top separate and above your HIME sort. Your system is fine for the non essential but my top prioritized times may be difficult and important so not at the top.
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Make prioritization ease vs difficulty consistent.
The column is called difficulty which, intuitively makes me want to slide the slider towards 10, indicating greater difficulty.
yet in the help menu, it says that 10 is easier.
Either label the column clearly or reverse the number method.2 votes -
When delegating a task, provide option to retain own copy of the task
Sometimes you want to work on a task together with someone (like both of you read a book). If you write a task and delegate it to someone else, you may wish to retain the task yourself so that you can also work on it.
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Recurring Tasks: Change the order
A lot of my recurring tasks directly relate to my short, mid, and long term goals. To me it makes sense for recurring tasks to come before Stay Focused when we run through Start My Day.
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when using multiple computers, my training is not at the same levels on each computer
You are probably using cookies on a browser to track training modules. But when using multiple computers, cookie tracking does no good, sometimes its 2 or 3 training sessions behind because of different computer usage. Training sessions should be tracked with email or login information and not cookies. Thanks.
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Allow non-simpleology users to see a delegated task in the email they receive
I know it is a for profit business and if you allowed users to delegate tasks to non-simpleology users and those people could actually see the delegated task, it would give them more incentive to possibly sign up. In addition, you could let them see the task in the email and if they click on it for "more info" it could bring them to a mock page of daily tasks where they can hover over icons and see a description. Of course have a "Sign up now" button as well.
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Have a numbering system so we can prioritize the "Daily Tasks".
Every time I look at my Daily Tasks I have to read ALL of them to decide which one I do next. With a numbering system I would only have to look for #1, #2, etc. Being able to rearrange the numbers (if necessary) would be great as well.
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in the "Decide: Do It, Deliberate, or Dump It" dialog be able to set the same reminder date on multiple items
For example: be able to set a reminder for all those items for tomorrow.
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a way to view done/completed items, would be very rewarding
would like a way to view done/completed items, would be very rewarding to see how much i have accomplished/how far I have come
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written users manual
I seem to miss the simplest steps needed to make something work. For instance, I struggled with making projects work until Jane told me to click on the number. This sort of thing has happened to me before. I would like to see a simple written users manual with a list of things necessary to make something work. I don't think it would need to be more than 10 pages long. It could be designed for people like me who completed the training but missed something. Thank you.
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Add functions to subtasks like main task
I would like to see most if not all the functions that the main task has added to the subtasks such as reminder, notes, schedule, etc.
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Further to the suggestion on sorting the Observation log Might I suggest that the circled pluses and minuses could be different colours?
It would be much easier to process I think if the pluses were blue and the minuses something else (black?). This supports the sort suggestion too, And a filter option to just see the Time, Energy or Money listings would be great... :)
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Navigate through the training so that when my pc bombs, as it often does, I dont have to go through the whole schpiel all over again to get to where I was.
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Vacation Mode
When going on vacation, I am at remote locations with no internet connection. I do not use Simpleology during that time but to text an item to dream catcher of things I think about for reminders when I return. This is more for streak counting than anything else. Maybe a button to turn streak counter on or off. Maybe a vacation tab with dates you can highlight, when entered, streak counter will be turned off during that time. Thanks.
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Plug-in for Google Apps
I run my business on Google Apps, using GMail, GCal, GDrive etc. Many 3rd party apps for CRM and project management have a plug-in for GMail that allows you to interact with the app right from within GMail. Examples are Streak (projects and pipeline), Pipedrive (pipeline mgt), Contactually (CRM) etc.
This makes it easy to integrate actions in mail, contacts with Simpleology.
What triggered this was when i tried to invite a new person into a project. I couldn't do it from the contact manager (I almost couldn't find the contact manager!). After contacting support the work around was to…
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2 votes
- Don't see your idea?