End My Day - same as Start My Day but with different modules checked
This need only add two items to the functionality of Start My Day:
Ability to start it with a parameter (default mode would still be Start My Day), but when activated with something like "mode == end" it would do Start My Day but with other modules selected (which are activated by the user)
Ability to memorise the activated modules for the two flows. Start My Day already memorises the last used modules. End My Day would memorise the modules last used during End My Day
Why this is important to me (and might be to others):
I actually use Start My Day this way but I select/deselect modules for morning and evening session.
Morning: Stay Focused, Recurring Tasks, Prioritize
Evening: Observe & Change, Update Trackers
The evening one is a sort of review of the day while your memory is still fresh. This has been working beautifully for me.