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436 results found

  1. Show labels in Recurring Task Module

    Recurring tasks could be improved and further automated in many ways. Here I only ask for a simple improvement. The Recurring Tasks List needs to be ORGANIZED (divided into categories) to be accesible efficiently. I have organized using LABLES, however, they do not show in the module. Could you please make the label visible? Thanks.

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  2. Counter List

    I want to track how many ideas I have each week. I have been trying to count them every Friday and sore the data in a Tracker List.
    It would be much easier if I could tell a Counter List (named #Ideas) to do +1 to the current week count. There should be a value assigned to each week (or any other time period). It would be even better if I could Update Counter Lists on the go using an Engine.

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    Trackers now display “visible data calculations” for 1). total data points, 2). sum of data points, and 3). average of data points. Trackers also feature new date range selections, including “All Time”. Depending on what date range you select, you can now see cumulative values over time. Hoping this will give you what you’re looking for (while still leaving Trackers open to other styles of recording). Check it out!

  3. Need a way to organize projects

    I've really been enjoying the projects area. In fact, I've got 13 going that are in various stages and priorities. Some are paid freelance projects, some are personal writing projects (a current and one on the back-burner for ideas), some personal improvement projects that are not the kind of thing I want to just focus on one at a time, and a few purchased projects. I'd love to be able to at least re-order them into the most urgent at the top. But it would also be great to have a folder system of organization. I don't want to archive…

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  4. Be able to prioritize tasks in daily targets

    I want to be able to prioritize my tasks within the daily targets list.

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  5. 1 vote

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  7. Option to sort projects alphabetically

    While I appreciate the "most recent addition at the top" ordering of the projects, it would be great to have other sorting options - I'd love alphabetical as I've named my projects by client, department, and then action (I usually have over a dozen that I am managing).

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  8. Delegate option

    Allow multiple "Delegate" items to be checked and sent to the same person all together at once rather than having to type the same person's name & simpleology account/email address repeatedly to streamline the delegate page.

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  9. Show "Labels" during "Prioritize Step"

    A small adjustment to the prioritize step would be very helpful: showing the "Labels".

    When I prioritize my tasks I do it based on what categories each item is; since I Can't see the labels, I have to skip the prioritize step and just adjust them once I'm able to see all the daily targets outlined.

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  10. simpleology mobile app and timer for the tasks

    simpleology mobile app and timer for the tasks

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  11. iPhone app?

    I didn't see an app for my phone are you planning to add one? That would make this software priceless in my opinion.

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  12. Show project task symbols in the "Prioritize" module

    Have the card symbol visible when the project tasks show up in "prioritize" so that they can be distinguished quickly from other tasks

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  13. Ability to add an item to target list without prior steps

    It would really be beneficial to be able to add to the target list without having to go through the prior steps in start my day. I understand the Start my Day has a purpose and I use it, however, AFTER the initial list has come up, I have items that come up throughout the day that are either urgent, or things I didn't think about. Currently, I have to add them to the DreamCatcher and then go back to Start My Day to run the priority steps just to ********* there. It is too much work. Instead, I tend…

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  15. Add to Task List anytime.

    Sometimes something comes up after the start my day process. It would be nice to be able to add something to Daily Targets at anytime.

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  16. Discount codes for Simpleology Market Place

    Would it be possible to add a discount code at the check out process? I would like to offer my project at an 'early bird' price to my mailing list.
    Thanks :-)

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  17. ios app or mobile browser display of daily targets

    Ability to view and interact with daily targets from an iphone or other smartphone browser

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  18. Under the Delegate and Schedule pages of Decide, the text "_next_step_" is underlined, but it is not a link.

    I know that underlining was used for other purposes before the web, but in the context of a web page, if something is underlined, people expect something to happen when they click on it.

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  19. Needs to have a smartphone app, something like Toodledo!

    I would love an app that functions similar to Toodledo, with web access and a version that syncs across all my mobile devices. I love the concepts of Simpleology, but have found myself using Toodledo instead because it is much easier to have access from my phone.

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  20. smartphone app to post dream catchers directly from on the go

    smartphone app to post dream catchers directly from on the go

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