Ability to add an item to target list without prior steps
It would really be beneficial to be able to add to the target list without having to go through the prior steps in start my day. I understand the Start my Day has a purpose and I use it, however, AFTER the initial list has come up, I have items that come up throughout the day that are either urgent, or things I didn't think about. Currently, I have to add them to the DreamCatcher and then go back to Start My Day to run the priority steps just to ********* there. It is too much work. Instead, I tend to forget about pressing items that I am not putting on the list and since this tool pretty much replaces any other to do list, this feature is a must.

Simpleology Engines – https://my.simpleology.com/#engines – offers you the ability to easily route/process anything you add to Simpleology in a variety of ways. Check it out!