Revert to adding new tasks to the top of the list in Start My Day
A while ago you changed Start My Day so that recently added items are placed at the bottom of lists. I appreciate why this might seem the logical thing to do if you consider recently added tasks as chronologically later than previously added tasks but I do not think this is correct a couple of reasons:
1) It makes managing the lists more cumbersome: We are most likely to want to edit or change the recently added items than those that were added previously which would have already been edited and refined over time. Placing recently added items at the bottom of the list requires much more scrolling up and down (particularly if lists are long) to do so.
2) There is actually no reason to assume that recently added tasks will be dealt with later than previously added ones. At the time of prioritization, it is very possible and equally probable that recently added tasks could be the more urgent and, thus, more desirable to be placed at the top of the list. Further, tasks are added in the order in which they occur in the mind of those adding the tasks which is also not necessarily chronological. So there is no reason to assume that tasks will definitely be performed in the order in which they were added to Start My Day.
Since there is little or no justification for adding to the bottom (given that the order that tasks are added is not inevitably, or even more likely, the order that tasks will be performed) and some justification for placing them at the top of the list (ease of use), I ask for a reversion to putting newly added items (added during Start My Day or wherever) to the top of lists. Thank you.